T-Shirt Pick Up Dates Next Week – May 13 and 15!

Greetings CoroVoce Members!

It was super fun to Zoom with you on Wednesday!  There were 24 of us who gathered and it was wonderful to catch up with everyone.  We shall schedule another one in the next month so we hope you’ll join us again while you wear your t-shirts!  Thank you to Ms. Ishii for hosting our meeting!

And speaking of t-shirts, here is your opportunity to pick up your shirt next week on either Wednesday, May 13, or Friday, May 15, at South Slope Elementary.

Here are the important details you need to remember:

  1.  T-shirts will be available through the OUTSIDE door of the music room on Wednesday, May 13 from 10:30 – 12:00, and on Friday, May 15 from 11:00 – 12:00.
  2. Please email me the date you will be coming so I can pull your t-shirts out of the box.(teresa.jukich@burnabyschools.ca)
  3. Line up beside the cones for social distancing if there is a line up.
  4. Take a picture of you in your t shirt and send it to Ms. Fletcher at:


(Thank you Ms. Fletcher!)

5.  Please pass this along to anyone who you think may not be accessing the blog!

I am really looking forward to seeing you all from a safe distance next week!

In song,

Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro

2 thoughts on “T-Shirt Pick Up Dates Next Week – May 13 and 15!

    1. Thank you Ms Fletcher! I’d love to social distance with you next week when the students come, either day or both! Miss you terribly! Can’t wait to sing with the choir again!
      Mrs. Fierro

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