Hello Dear Corovoce Members! Update on Important Items – Monday, April 27, 2020


Your t-shirts are here!

Hello Corovoce Members:

We hope you continue to stay safe during our time away from each other!  We miss you all terribly and cannot wait to see you again.  There are still many unknowns in our musical world, but we hope you still use music as a way to engage your brains, and provide you with comfort and joy!  We would love you to send us a note, a video, or picture, or anything where you are making music!

Here are a few bits of information that we know you are wondering about.

  1.  Your T-shirts are here (as you can see) and we need to find a way for you to get them.  Could you please send us the name of the school you attend, we may send them to you that way.  Or depending on when schools resume, we “may” have some kind of wrap up to our year.  Again, stay tuned, but please email your school to us.  (except South Slope, Confederation Park, Suncrest students of course, we know where you go!)
  2. When choir resumes, and if it doesn’t resume until September, please remember that you DO NOT need to audition as you’re already in!  If you are a Grade 7 going into High School, please consider staying in our choir.  It’s a nice bridge of stability between the “newness” of Secondary School, and the familiarity and safety of our beautiful ensemble.  Corovoce is intended to serve students from Grades 5 to 12.  If we have more senior students we are able to attempt more sophisticated repertoire.
  3. Please also ask around to see if any of your friends would be interested in joining Corovoce next year!  We’re not sure how or when auditions will happen so your input would be wonderful!
  4. The Team was thinking of changing the date of rehearsals to a Monday next year.  We would like to hear your thoughts on this change.

Again, we hope you and your family are well, working hard at your remote learning, and looking forward to making music when we can be together again!

In song,

The Corovoce Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii)

One thought on “Hello Dear Corovoce Members! Update on Important Items – Monday, April 27, 2020

  1. Hi dear all the music teacher~
    Hope u all doing well and stay safe🤗

    Lele Yang is from Inman elementary school, in case you need to send out the T-shirt to her or we can always pick up after when rehearsal is start again.
    Thank you

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