Here are three ways to explore with shaving cream.

Let’s start with the messiest and most fun one: shaving cream with tempura paint.

Spray the shaving cream onto a tray to contain the mess. Let your child explore the shaving cream and paint with their hands. It is silky soft and mesmerizing as you watch the colours mix and swirl. You can add a paintbrush, fork, or a stick to mix it all up as well.



If you want a mess-free way, try putting the shaving cream into a large ziplock bag. Add some food colour or tempura paints and zip up the bag, making sure to gently press out most of the air. Your child can press into the bag and mix the colours without the mess. This is a great one for toddlers.

Lastly, fill a jar with water, leaving a few inches from the top free. Spray in the shaving cream. It will sit on top of the water. Let your child add food colouring with droppers. I save all the droppers from children’s medicine, just make sure to wash them clean before using. As you add colour, watch how the colour slowly makes its way down through the shaving cream and then into the water. The colouring will dance down and sometimes bounce back up.

Here’s what it looks like from the top of the jar. See how the food colour sits on top of the shaving cream.  How long will it take for all the colour to sink down through the shaving cream? Why does the colour bounce back up? What’s happening to each colour?  Will new colours appear? Why does the shaving cream sit on top of the water like that?

Have fun exploring shaving cream with your child!



Community Resources: Burnaby Family Life

Burnaby Family Life offers a variety of parent and child online group activities, from Playful Learning (now offered in Korean) , Healthy Families, Healthy Minds, Creative learning for Preschool children and so much more. Check out the attached Spring schedule or visit Burnaby Family Life ( to register.