Writing Activity: A Letter to Ourselves in the Future

Today, our class looked at some examples of what people in the past thought our contemporary lives would look like. Feel free to check out the video below to see what predictions came true and which have not happened (yet)!

Our students discussed how predicting the future is very challenging! We began writing a letter to ourselves that we will open 1 or more years from now (kind of like a time capsule). Ms. Ward will seal these letters, and then the goal is to keep them in a safe place until the “opening date”!

Some questions we considered were:

-What has Grade 4/5 been like so far? What are some memories you want to preserve?

-What are some of your favourite things, hobbies, etc. right now?

-What questions do you have for yourself in the future?

-What advice do you have for your future self?

Stay tuned for more information on our “Future Letters”!

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