Sci-Fri: Mystery Fruit Investigation

There are thousands and thousands of species of fruit all over the world, from apples to durians and everything in between! For Sci-Fri this week, our class (along with Ms. Ramen’s class) examined some fruits that we may not have seen before! We made detailed observations, drew diagrams, and predicted what the fruit might look like inside!

The different fruits were: red-fleshed papaya, purple passionfruit, orange passionfruit, white pomelo, tangelo, aloe leaves, dragon fruit, baby bananas, starfruit, pomegranate, and durian!

Ms. Ward tried each of the fruits and described them. We learned that some fruits, such as the durian, are an acquired taste. While many people love it and have grown up eating it, durian can be very unusual the first time you taste it!

Ms. Ward described it as “custardy, smooth, a bit sweet and caramelized, with a strong oniony/green onion flavour”. The scent of the durian was so strong you could smell it throughout the whole school!

Have you ever tried a durian?


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