Celebrating Diversity: an Amazing ASL (American Sign Language) Performance

Today, we finished our novel Out of My Mind. We discussed how we can make our world more inclusive, accepting, and kind for people with disabilities and diverse needs. We discussed why it is important to honour and celebrate the different ways we communicate, whether we use assistive technology like Melody, or speak a different language, or use ASL (American Sign Language).

Please feel free to check out this amazing performance of Queen’s song “Bohemian Rhapsody” using Sign Language. Here are some possible topics to discuss:

-Have you ever seen anyone using Sign Language? Do you know any Sign Language?

-Do you think students should have the option to take a Sign Language class in school (similar to how we can take French, Spanish, or Mandarin)?

-What do you notice about the performance? Can you understand what the performers are communicating?

-What is your favourite way to communicate? (ex: through Writing, through Art, talking to a friend)

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