Reminders for this Week:

Hi, Grade 7s!

A few reminders as we begin our week together:

-Hip-hop continues every day this week, with our performance for parents/guardians/families on Friday

-Your “Out of My Mind” and “Pumpkin Chunkin” reflections on Teams are due by the end of the week

-Please make sure to stay on top of your work for Ms. Ramen (Socials, Math, etc.)

-Skull sculpting part 2 is Thursday… make sure you dress appropriately, as the glaze can stain!

-Math quiz next week. Make sure you have finished your ‘cheat sheets’ and bring them with you


-Ms. Ward

Reminders for this week:

Hi Grade 7s! A few important reminders for this week:

-We are sculpting our skulls on Thursday (Nov. 21st). Please bring clothing you do not mind getting dirty (ex: a large shirt)!

-Catapult reflections (ADST) are due Wednesday

-No school on Friday (Pro-D)

-French family trees are due on Wednesday

Some overdue work that should be turned in ASAP:

-Over the Garden Wall summary sheets (4-7)

-Math comics

-Elder interviews

-Poppy art


Hi Grade 7s!

A few important reminders:

-please make sure to hand in your clay permission form to Ms. Ramen ASAP so that you can participate in the sculpting activity!

-we will finish testing our catapults (weather dependent) this week, and then we will post our footage and reflections onto our Teams page

-Ms. Ramen has posted a survey about your year-end Grade 7 events (dinner/dance). Please fill it in at your earliest convenience

-stay on top of your upcoming due dates and overdue assignments! Term 1 is over halfway finished, and you do not want to be scrambling to catch-up!

A special thanks to all our students who represented us at the Remembrance Day assembly last week. Thanks for making us proud!

Best wishes,

-Ms. Ward

Weekly Reminders:

Hey, Grade 7s!

Please do not forget:

-I will be checking your Science duotangs this Friday. Make sure you’ve filled in all of your reflections!

-Your 3 summary/analogy sheets for Over the Garden Wall (orange papers) are due by Friday. If you were away for an episode, we will have a ‘re-watch’ at Recess Thursday/Friday!

-Your digital portfolio due date is coming up soon! Make sure you are working on finishing your artistic design, your write-up, and you have uploaded it to our Teams.

Your name art, core boards, and Math stock projects are now VERY overdue! I will be reaching out to parents/guardians this week if I am missing these assignments from you.

See you tomorrow!

-Ms. Ward

Weekly Reminders:

Hey, Grade 7s! A few reminders as we begin our new week together:

-Your Math Stocks project is now OVERDUE! Please hand it in to Ms. Ramen by Tuesday (tomorrow)

-Your Name Art is due at the end of the week (Friday) to Ms. Ward

-We are hard at work on our catapults! We will be testing them in the last week of October.

-Your Digital Portfolio, including the write-up, is due on Teams by the end of October

-Core boards/communication boards must be finished and ready to use by Friday this week

-Band continues Weds/Fri

Please make sure to thank your parent/guardian for making the time to meet with me during our Welcoming Conversations last week! It was great to brainstorm with them how we can help you be successful (and brag about all of the amazing things you have done so far).

-Ms. Ward

Reminders for this week:

Hi, Grade 7s!

A few important reminders for this week:

-Band practice continues on Wednesday and Friday every week. Please remember to bring your instrument, and practice at home!

-We have an early dismissal at 2:00PM on Thursday October 3rd

-Welcoming Conversations are continuing tomorrow. I am excited to check in with your parents, guardians, and important adults, and brag about all of your great qualities!

See you tomorrow!

-Ms. Ward

Important Reminders:

Hello, Div. 2!

A few important reminders as we head into the weekend:

-please return your green hoodie order forms ASAP!

-no band tomorrow as we have an assembly in the morning (Friday)

-Orange Shirt Day will be observed tomorrow (Friday)

-Welcoming Conversation sign-up links were sent out this week

-no school Monday as we will be taking part in Truth & Reconciliation

Thanks everyone!


-Ms. Ward

Welcome, Grade 7s!

Greetings to our Grade 7 class of 2024/2025!

It has already been a very busy first few days of school in our new classroom community. We have been hard at work getting to know each other, adapting to new routines, and considering the roles/responsibilities of Grade 7s.

I am excited to get to know everyone, as both individuals and as a class!

I am looking forward to introducing (or re-introducing) myself to the wonderful parents/guardians/families that are supporting our Grade 7 students during our Welcoming Conversations in October (more information to follow).

In the meantime, I have created a quick survey that I ask be filled in by the parents/guardians of our Grade 7s. This survey was also sent home on a pink form with our school supply list for the year. The survey can be found here: Grade 7 parent guardian survey

Please check out our class blog frequently for reminders, upcoming due dates, and videos/resources we learned about in class!

Best wishes,

Ms. Ward



Reminders for this Weekend:

Hi Grade 7s! Please don’t forget:

-bring in your Emergency Comfort Kits as soon as possible! Your parent/guardian has received an e-mail with more details

-please get your yellow permission form from Ms. Ramen signed and returned. We will be starting our sculptures on November 9th!

-Math comic strips are now extremely overdue!

Enjoy your weekend!

-Ms. Ward

Important Reminders

Hello, families! Some important reminders for this week (we have also written these in our planners):

  • Please return your Student Information sheets as soon as possible
  • Please review and return the yellow Student Emergency Release form as soon as you can
  • Sign up for Welcoming Conversations online. To make sure everyone is able to set a meeting, please only sign up for one ten minute time slot (per parent/guardian). Please contact Ms. Ward if you are not available during any of the remaining time slots!
  • Please fill in the online survey if you have not done so already
  • Early dismissal on Thursday
  • Don’t forget to dress for the weather (rain or shine) and that photo day is this upcoming week!

Thanks everyone! I look forward to meeting with everyone (virtually) this week.

-Ms. Ward