Learning at Home: Prosthetic Design & Technology

This week, we’ve been discussing the important role that Terry Fox has in Canadian (and world) history! We know that when Terry Fox ran his Marathon of Hope, he was often uncomfortable and in pain because of his prosthetic. A prosthetic is a tool that someone with limb differences/amputations can use. You might also see people using a mobility aide (such as a wheelchair, cane, or walker). For example, Terry had a prosthetic leg used for walking and running:

Terry Fox's Transformational Run – PodiumRunner

The technology and design of mobility aides and prosthetics has improved so much since Terry Fox was alive! We are developing new ways to make these tools more comfortable and functional. Some people even get creative with their designs, such as this inventor in the video below who created a prosthetic arm out of Lego:

Some questions I encourage you to discuss at home:

-Why is important to continue developing better technology/designs for prosthetics and mobility aides?

-What is a tool or piece of technology that doesn’t exist (yet) that you think could help people with diverse needs/abilities?

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