Young People’s Concert Today!

Hello to our Div. 3 learning community,

Just a reminder we will be attending the Young People’s Concert today! We will be boarding the bus promptly at 9:00, so please make sure to arrive to school on time (or a little early).

A few reminders of expectations:

-there is no food or drink allowed in the theatre or on the bus

-we must be silent when entering the theatre/leaving the theatre as classes are in session

-exit from the theatre during the show is only allowed in an emergency (no bathroom breaks)

-as Grade 6/7s, we are setting the tone for the rest of our school. We know to be a respectful audience (listening, clapping,, etc.)

Any students who do not have permission to go/arrive late and miss the bus will be helping to support a primary classroom until our class returns.

See you all soon!

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