Happy Halloween! An Investigation of ‘Ghost Photography’

Take a look at the photo above… what do you notice about it? You might notice a ‘ghostly figure’ in the background. This image was taken by William Mumler, a photographer who claimed to be gifted with the ability to capture spirits on film. The woman in the photo is the widow of President Lincoln, who went to Mumler after her husband died. Mumler and his wife took hundreds of photos, all with strange ‘ghosts’ in the background. For the Spiritualism movement at the time (people who were obsessed with the supernatural), this seemed like ‘proof’ of ghosts and phantoms. However, even at the time many people were skeptical and did not believe… Mumler was even taken to court and accused of lying! Scientists today think that Mumler may have layered a second photo glass underneath the original image to create this haunting image.

Check out the article below to learn about the history of ‘ghost photography’:

A history of ‘ghost photography’

Some questions to consider and discuss:

  1. Have you ever seen a photo online you think could be a hoax?
  2. Why do you think so many people believed in Mumler’s photos?
  3. Do you and your family believe in ‘the supernatural’?


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