Learning about Poisons and Venoms: the Famous Fugu Fish

The challenge of eating puffer fish | Meer

Image description: a pufferfish inflated and staring at the camera.

The image of the fish above might look frightening, but this ‘puffed up’ defense mechanism is only one way that pufferfish (or fugu) try to keep animals/people from eating it. Many species of fugu are considered to be extremely poisonous, which means if you eat them you might face an early grave.

The dish: Fugu fish

Image description: a plate of prepared fugu sashimi with garnishes. This meal might cost upwards of $200!

Over 20 people each year die from consuming improperly prepared pufferfish. Most of the fish’s organs (including the liver, heart, etc.) are poisonous and contain a clear toxin that is most dangerous than cyanide. So why do people still pay upwards of $200 a plate to try this potentially deadly dish?

Some reasons fans of fugu list are: The taste is indescribable and delicious. The people preparing fugu have to train for 10+ years before serving the fish to anyone. Many more people each year die from eating raw oysters than from fugu.

So would you ever dare to try puffer fish? Check out the video below to follow the daily routine of a 45+ year master of fugu preparation (TW: the video includes footage of fish filets being cut and prepared).

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