We are thankful for … and some turkeys🦃

We met with our Buddy classes – Divisions 1 and 3 – last week and made feathers on which we wrote our names.  Our big buddies then helped us to write a thing we are thankful for on the feather.  We then decorated the feathers.  These are on the bulletin boards in the hallway outside of our classroom. We will be doing a variety of activities with our buddies as we will be meeting each Tuesday morning for a half hour.

These feathers are joined by the turkeys they made in class.  These were done with pencil crayons and tissue paper.  Students also practised their cutting out skills.  Gobble, gobble.


Jolly Phonics

We have completed our second week of Jolly Phonics lessons.  Last week we did the letters s, a, t, and i.  This week we did p, n, c/k, and e.  We have a lesson on most days.  The blue duotangs are sent home each Friday with the pages of the letters learned that week.  Thank you for helping your child with their practice on the weekends.  Please remember to send the duotangs back to school after the weekend.

The Elements of Art

On Friday we had a lesson on the ‘elements’ of art.  We discussed how elements are parts of a whole.   The six elements of art are: colour; line; shape; form; value; and texture.  To explore a few of these elements we did leaf rubbings using waxed crayons on paper.  We will explore each of these elements over the course of this school year in more depth.

Here are a few individual samples of the students’ work.  All of the art pieces are pinned to the bulletin board in our classroom.  Come by and take a peek.

Hello, my name is ….

We spent time last week working on posters to introduce ourselves.  Over the past few weeks students have been practising printing their names – especially in lowercase letters which is the normal way we do most of our writing.  They also counted to see how many letters  are in their names; thought about what is special about their names; and tried to make other words using only the letters in their names.  These posters are on the bulletin boards outside of our classroom, in the hallway.  Here are a few:


The Great Gingerbread Hunt

On Wednesday morning students heard the story, “The Gingerbread Man”.  They then learnt that the gingerbread man that Mrs. Temple had baked the night before ran off the cookie sheet and out of the classroom when she wasn’t looking!!  He left behind a letter.

We checked with Mrs. Anania in the Office but the GB Man had been and gone!! He left a note:

So we headed off to the gymnasium where we found Mrs. Branco’s class.  They helped us find and read the clue.

Now we had to check in the Music Room!  We found this.

Off we went to the Computer Room … this clue was there.

We found Ms. Koebel in that room. Mrs. Cobo also works in that room but wasn’t there when we were.  We saw this clue.

There were no teachers in the Staff Room but we did see some plates of cookies and a bowl of cherry tomatoes … and this …

What a lot of books there are in the Library!!  Ms. Balaz was not there but we found this clue …

The Grade Ones knew where the PAC make popcorn for Mini Mart so we headed downstairs to the kitchen by the gym.  On the oven door we saw this … 

and this …

and …

in the oven we found a tray of baked gingerbread men cookies!!  We took them back to class where we iced and decorated them.  At the end of the day we took them home!!  Yummy!!

Giraffes Can’t Dance

The Grade Ones heard a story about a giraffe who was embarrassed because he felt he couldn’t dance like all the other animals could.  In fact, they were rather mean to him about it.  A wise cricket taught him to listen to his own music, and to be himself, as we are all unique.  He then created his own style of dance.

We did a directed drawing lesson and created our own ‘Gerald’  the giraffe.  They are on the bulletin board in the hallway outside of our classroom.  I think they look great!