Christmas is coming …

We have been busily getting ready for the Christmas concert.  In between our regular academic subjects we have been using our ‘theme’ time to enjoy our fairy tale unit, and also to have some fun with Christmas crafts.  I won’t tell you the main one – as it is the children’s Christmas present to their families – but we have also spent some time making our class Christmas tree with some very special unique ornaments which, I hope, will become longtime family keepsakes.  You will see them at the Christmas concert.  We have also made some other fun ornaments for your Christmas trees.


Student also had fun last week making paper chains for decorating the gym for the concert.


We look forward to seeing you all at the concert on Wednesday, December 16th.  The children have been working very hard.  I am sure the show will be very nice.

Poppies, poppies, everywhere …


We have spent the past week getting ready for Remembrance Day.  This has involved stories, poems, and discussions about war, peace, and the reasons that we recognize this important day each year.  Student learned about John McCrae, a Canadian army physician, who wrote the famous poem “In Flanders Fields”.  They made their own poppies out of heart shaped construction paper which they arranged around a copy of the poem.  These are displayed on bulletin boards in the corridor outside of our classroom.



We also had a directed drawing lesson on the shape of a poppy.  Students then re-created these poppies onto large cartridge paper which they then outlined with black china marker.  These were then coloured with red painted petals and green centres. After these had dried the students went over the black lines with the china markers again, cut out the poppies, and mounted these onto green construction paper. These are also displayed on the large bulletin board board in the corridor.





The poppies that we made for our wreath are displayed (intact as a wreath) in the centre of this bulletin board.


Each poppy demonstrates the students’ individual interpretation and creativity. They all look great!


Pumpkin Carving With Our Buddies


On Thursday, October 29th we met our Division 2 buddies in the gym and had fun carving our pumpkins.  Some of us got more into it than others.


In the end they all looked great.


The pumpkins were all lined up on the stage and made for a very nice surprise when we came into the darkened gym for our Hallowe’en Assembly the next morning. They were all well lit from within with flame-less candles!

We had a good Hallowe’en day with the assembly/parade and all the great goodies that were brought into the classroom.  Thank you to those who sent in treats.



Laity Pumpkin Farm Trip


We had a really great trip to the pumpkin patch on October 6, 2015.  We were lucky to have so many parents willing to give their time to help make this a fun day for our students.  The weather was spectacular which added to our great experience.

Here are some of the highlights of our trip:

The Petting Zoo


The Play Farm


The Forest Villages


The Corn Maze


and … panning for ‘gold’.


We also enjoyed a tractor ride, snack time, and hunting for the perfect pumpkin in the field.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all the parents who helped out by driving us to the farm and helping to supervise while we were there.

Corn Roast and Terry Fox Run

Last Friday, September 18th, students had the great experience of ‘shucking’ an ear of corn.  We all went out to the undercover area and peeled back the outer leaves, and removed the strands of silk, from our corn.  These were then put in a container to be later boiled by our parent volunteers.


In the afternoon we honoured Terry Fox through an assembly and by running our Fun Fitness route.  We were lucky that the rain was light. Terry ran far longer each day and it was often in much worse weather conditions than we had on Friday!

After the run we all enjoyed eating our corn!!!



School and Family Picnic – June 18th

We had a great day at Confederation Park last week.  We settled under a nice shady tree by the playground as our home base.  Students loved the different activities that we did during the course of the day.

We played at the playground, enjoyed a nearby sprinkler, got wet at the spray park, and ate hot dogs, popcorn, and watermelon!!  A highlight, as always, was our trip on the train!!



We were very fortunate to have such nice weather!  The rains did not come until after we were long gone:)

It was nice to see so many families at the park with us.  I hope you all enjoyed the day.

100’s Day Celebrations


Our Hundreds Day celebrations started with students counting their steps (in groups of hundreds) during our morning fitness.  Calendar was rather exciting when we bundled up our 10 groups of 10 straws into one large ‘hundred’ bundle. Naturally our Number of the Day was 100. Students had a lot of fun coming up with math statements where the answer was 100, as you can see from the photo.

The day continued with the making of headbands (on which the students needed to put 20 stickers and write the numbers on – counting by 5’s) to which crowns were attached. On the crowns students were to make 10 groups of 10 marks (stars, dots, tally marks, etc.).


Students also worked on their large 100’s Day Poster. These will be put up after Spring Break. The highlight of the day was (as it usually is) the making of their Fruit Loop necklaces.  Students worked at the green side table where they collected Fruit Loops in groups of 10 (same colour) and then added them onto their string.  They needed to make 10 groups of 10 and to ensure that each coloured group was not next to a same coloured group.  Of course, a few Fruit Loops were harmed (eaten) in the making of these necklaces:)



During P.E. students learned just exactly how long 100 seconds can be when they are seeing how many: double footed hops; hops on one foot; frog leaps; jumping jacks, etc. that they can do in that time frame!  Suffice it to say that they were rather tired out at lunchtime!

All in all, it was a very fun-filled day for the students.  I am sure that you heard all about it when they came home.



Field Trip to the V.S.O.

Last Thursday we enjoyed a very fun trip to the Orpheum Theatre to see – and, more importantly, HEAR – the wonderful Vancouver Symphony Orchestra!!  What a great treat for all of us. Just being in the magnificent Orpheum Theatre is a treat on its own. The architecture is truly a sight to see!  The students seemed to very much enjoy it. Then we were introduced to all the sections of the orchestra; woodwind, brass, string, and percussion.

The orchestra played a variety of music, each of which told a story.  Many of these stories were familiar to the students, such as the waltz from Sleeping Beauty.  The bus trip is always fun for the students, as well.  We enjoyed the sights of downtown Vancouver.  It was great to see the cherry blossoms and magnolia trees in blossom! As usual, a few students napped on the way home!  It is all part of the experience!

Lunar New Year Celebrations


We had a very busy and full day on Thursday, February 19th.  We began the day by preparing dumplings in the staff room.  We thank the moms who came in to help us in this process.  After Recess we went to the Assembly in the gym.  Our class performed their poem – “What Colour Were the Dragons?”  They did a very nice job!  Then our grade one students read the poems that they wrote about dragons.  We thank Jana for holding the microphone for them so that they could be heard by the whole audience – including all the parents who came to the assembly.  I think that the grade ones enjoyed their moment in the spotlight!

After the assembly we enjoyed a lovely buffet feast in our classroom.  Thank you to everyone who sent in food for this event!

Our lanterns turned out very nicely and look great hanging in the classroom .  Some of them are in the hallway on the bulletin board with the dragon poems.



All in all, it was a great day!!