Halloween Celebrations

Next Monday we will be celebrating Halloween at Rosser.  Here is the schedule for the day:

9:00 a.m. – Halloween Assembly and Costume Parade – our Grade 2’s will be presenting their Fall poems!

** Students should come to school in their costumes prepared for this early assembly. They may bring a change of clothes for after the assembly if they will not be comfortable in their costume all day.  A reminder that Burnaby School District has a “No weapons” policy which includes any ‘toy’ weapons.  Please do not send any of these ‘accessories’ to school with your child’s costume.

10:45 a.m. – Pumpkin Carving with our Div. 2 buddies

** These pumpkins will be taken to the Confederation Park Train for their Halloween display.

We Are Thankful For …

Last Friday we spent the day doing things all about being thankful.  We read about the history of Thanksgiving in Canada.  Students learned that the first Thanksgiving in North America was in Canada in 1578 (in Newfoundland) with Martin Frobisher and other immigrants from England.  They were celebrating being thankful for surviving the long journey and the bounty of foods grown in the ‘New World’.  After being celebrated on many different dates over the years, the Parliament of Canada declared (in 1957) that the second Monday of October would be the recognized day of thanks in Canada.

We discussed traditions and modern celebrations.  Students enjoyed a sample, or two, of pumpkin pie!

After a class brainstorming of things that we are thankful for, students were paired and set to work writing their own things to be thankful for.  These are posted on the bulletin board in the hallway.

These ‘thankful’ posters are intermingled with the tissue papered turkeys that the students worked on during Art on Friday afternoon.


Terry Fox Run and Corn Boil


What a rainy day!!!

We started our day by shucking our class set of corn on the cob.  We did this in the undercover area outside.  We then finished our ‘shoes’ for Terry. These were placed around the gym with those from the other classes. We had spent lots of time yesterday learning about Terry, his life, and his Marathon of Hope.  We also discussed cancer and people we know who have had it and who may or may not have survived.

At 2:00 all classes met in the gym for the Assembly put on by Division 1 students. After the emotional video about Terry we followed Division 1’s lead for warming up our muscles before we headed out for our run.  The heavy rain had stopped before our Assembly but it came back to a lesser degree for the run.  Students did a great job showing their spirit and support for Terry who ran a marathon every day in all sorts of weather – including heavy rain.

We headed back in to our classrooms and were treated to the cooked and buttered corn, compliments of our wonderful parents who came in to cook it for us.  Lots of students even had seconds!!

I hope you have a chance to speak with your child about Terry, his legacy, and his influence on our Canadian culture. He was a truly inspirational young man, and national hero.

Sports Day

We had a great Sports Day on Friday, May 20th.  Luckily the weather held off for us.

Students worked in their three House colour groups to earn points.  They created banners and cheers which also gained points for the different Houses.

We did a slightly different format this year by having the students put into ‘family’ groups of children aged from Kindergarten through Grade 6 – rather than having teachers move around with their own classes.  The Grade 7’s planned and ran the stations which the groups rotated through.

At Recess we enjoyed a lovely popsicle treat provided by the PAC.  Thank you very much.  It was enjoyed by all.

It was nice to see so many parents come out for this event!!


Mother’s Day Gifts

The students have been very creatively preparing for Mother’s Day!  Normally these gifts would be sent home on Friday.  This year, as we are holding an Earthquake Drill on Friday afternoon, I will be sending these home on Thursday.  For the Earthquake Drill students will be awaiting pick-up by you on the field.  I didn’t want them to have to be out there with their surprises for Mom in bags.