Remembrance Day

Our school will be holding our assembly tomorrow at 10:45 a.m.  All are welcome to attend.

Here are our poppies on our bulletin in the hallway.  The large ones were created through a directed drawing lesson.  Once the poppies were drawn, students traced over the pencil lines with china markers.  They then painted the red and green on the poppies.  These dried over the weekend.  This week we re-traced the china marker, cut them out, and glued them onto green construction paper.  They all did a great job!

The smaller poppies are made from four layers of coloured (red and green) construction paper.  We did these with our big buddies on Tuesday.  It was great to see the buddies working together!  These small poppies are a lovely complement to the larger, painted ones.  Check them out when you get a chance.

The Great Gingerbread Hunt

On Wednesday morning students heard the story, “The Gingerbread Man”.  They then learnt that the gingerbread man that Mrs. Temple had baked the night before ran off the cookie sheet and out of the classroom when she wasn’t looking!!  He left behind a letter.

We checked with Mrs. Anania in the Office but the GB Man had been and gone!! He left a note:

So we headed off to the gymnasium where we found Mrs. Branco’s class.  They helped us find and read the clue.

Now we had to check in the Music Room!  We found this.

Off we went to the Computer Room … this clue was there.

We found Ms. Koebel in that room. Mrs. Cobo also works in that room but wasn’t there when we were.  We saw this clue.

There were no teachers in the Staff Room but we did see some plates of cookies and a bowl of cherry tomatoes … and this …

What a lot of books there are in the Library!!  Ms. Balaz was not there but we found this clue …

The Grade Ones knew where the PAC make popcorn for Mini Mart so we headed downstairs to the kitchen by the gym.  On the oven door we saw this … 

and this …

and …

in the oven we found a tray of baked gingerbread men cookies!!  We took them back to class where we iced and decorated them.  At the end of the day we took them home!!  Yummy!!

100’s Day!

Monday, February 19th was a busy day in our class!  It was the 100th day that we have been in school.

Students worked with the number 100 in a variety of ways.  This included: counting by ones, twos, fives, and tens up to 100.  Students made headbands with 20 groups of tally marks (5 each).  They counted Fruit Loops into groups of ten and put ten groups together on a string to make a necklace.

Students had worked on a 100 Day poster at home.  They also worked on a booklet with all sorts of 100’s activities.

Lunar New Year

We had a very busy week (February 13-15) with our Valentines celebrations and those of the Lunar New Year.Our class performed a song (with divisions 4 and 6) and we also did a poem (What Colour Were the Dragons) on our own at the school-wide assembly.

Our lovely lanterns have been hanging in our classroom.

We enjoyed a delicious potluck luncheon.  Thank you to all who donated food to our feast!


Wow, have we ever been busy!

We have finished our Christmas concert🎄🎶, had a fun (and snowy🌨❄️) field trip to Heritage Village Museum), and today created our gingerbread houses!  In between we actually did other school work, as well😏

Here are some photos from today:

Tomorrow we will have our Pancake Breakfast thanks to the PAC!  Between Recess and Lunch we will be doing our school-wide bingo.  In the afternoon we will be enjoying a Christmas movie🎬

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas 🎄and a healthy, happy New Year🎉

P.S.  I hope you all enjoy your clay Christmas presents 🎁




Poppies … lest we forget …

Students created beautiful poppies.

We began with a directed drawing lesson where the students drew a large poppy on white paper.  They then traced these with black China markers (a type of grease pencil).  The centre circle was solidly coloured in with green waxed crayons.  Students then painted the petals red. This all happened on Friday. Today, when the paint was dry, students traced over their outlines, cut the poppies out, and glued them onto green construction paper.

The complementary colours (red and green) really pop when put together!

These are on the bulletin board at the back of our classroom.  They look amazing!