Science Experiments – A Stem’s Job

We put celery into food coloured water to see what might happen.  We also split the stem of a white flower and put each half into a different container – one with red and white and one with blue food colouring.

The next day we noticed changes in the plants.

We learned that stems have straw-like structures inside their stems.  The job of the stem is to hold up the plant and to suck water up into the plant.

Invertebrate Research Project

Our grade two students led small groups in studying about a particular invertebrate.  This was a project planned and organized by our student teacher, Ms. Darcy Teal.

Their end result was a poster which had an answer sheet (about some key points) and a life cycle of their chosen animal.

This afternoon the groups presented their findings.  The grade two in each group read the information they found out about: how their animal moves; how it catches its food; where it lives; how it protects itself; and other interesting facts they found. The grade one(s) described the animal’s life cycle.  All students in each group answered questions from their classmates about their animal.

I was very impressed with how well all students presented their work.  I have included pictures of their posters here, which are displayed on the bulletin boards outside our classroom.  The grade twos have taken photos of their individual posters and will post them next week on their ePortfolios.  They will also help the grade ones post them on their ePortfolios, as well.  We cannot do them this week as the ePortfolio site is down for maintenance.

This was a great learning experience for all students.  The grade twos are developing their leadership skills and the grade ones are learning how to work well with others, and how teamwork can be successful.

 Here are the finished posters:

Invertebrates Under the Sea …

Look at the awesome mural that the students have made for our look at invertebrates which reside under the ocean waters!

Our grade twos did the painting and all students created an invertebrate creature.  They first drew their creature, then they outlined them with Sharpie markers, and finally, they coloured them with oil pastels.

This mural is on a bulletin board in our classroom.  Check it out if you are in the school.

Apples Galore …

Thank you to all parents who sent in an apple for our apple explorations.  Students noticed that apples came in all sorts of varieties, colours, sizes, and shapes.

Students spent some time observing their apple and then making a pictorial presentation by colouring a paper apple in as close a copy of their apple as possible.

We have looked at how the apple life cycle works:

We will continue our explorations this week with the apple life cycle and how it correlates to the seasons of the year.


Animal Habitat Dioramas

Firstly, a huge thank you to all the parents who helped their child get ready for this week of building!!

Students spent the week creating their habitat for their chosen animal.  The shoe boxes went from a plain old box to a wonderful home for their plasticene animals.

I hope you agree … here they are …

These are on display on two tables in the hallway outside of our classroom and in the display case on the second floor.  I hope you get a chance to see them when you are in the school.  These pictures don’t really do the work justice, especially the glare from the display case glass 🙂

I hope you enjoy them as much as the kids did making them!