Like trees, every artist is unique …

We looked at a variety of famous artists and their work.  I chose several different prints that had one thing in common – each contained at least one tree.  We had a great discussion about the similarities and the differences of each artist’s style. We also discussed realism.  Students then created their own art piece with the criteria that they include at least one tree.  The work was completed with waxed crayons.  These are on the bulletin board in the hallway and included below.

Picasso Abstract Faces

We looked at some art pieces by Pablo Picasso and read a story book about a period of his life called, “Pablo Picasso and the Girl With the Ponytail”, by Laurence Anholt.

We then created our own ‘abstract’ faces on tag board, initially with pencil and then traced with black Sharpie.  We worked through the sections together as a series of directed drawing lessons.  We incorporated eyes, eyebrows, noses, mouths, cheeks, necks, jawlines, hair, and head dresses.  Felt markers were used for the parts that we wanted to be emphasized (for the ‘pop’).  Background areas were shaded in using pencil crayons or waxed crayons.

Here are the finished pieces which are posted on the bulletin board in our classroom:

The move to the library …

We are working out of the library while our classroom is being painted.

Yes, I know the date is wrong … I noticed it after I had taken the photos and gone home 🙄😂

With a bit of luck we will be returning to our classroom by Wednesday or Thursday next week.  We will definitely be appreciating being back ‘home’ 😊

Our Snow Families

We have completed our long and detailed art project.  It was many steps over several days.  First we painted blue backgrounds.  Then we added tissue paper and glitter snow along the bottom. Painted balls were then placed to represent the members of our immediate families. Foam board was used for the accessories of hats and scarves. Permanent markers for small details – eyes, arms – were used. At the end we added more tissue paper snow to the bottom and placed snowflakes in the sky.  Our family names were mounted on foam board and attached.  They look great!