Lunar New Year

We had a very busy week (February 13-15) with our Valentines celebrations and those of the Lunar New Year.Our class performed a song (with divisions 4 and 6) and we also did a poem (What Colour Were the Dragons) on our own at the school-wide assembly.

Our lovely lanterns have been hanging in our classroom.

We enjoyed a delicious potluck luncheon.  Thank you to all who donated food to our feast!

Complementary Colours

Students have been learning colour theory.  They have learned about primary and secondary colours and how secondary colours are made from primary ones. They know that primary colours cannot be made from other colours.

In this activity students used construction paper panels.  They cut sections out of one panel and glued it to its complementary colour – i.e. its opposite.  All three panels were then glued onto a full sheet of construction paper.

These are on the bulletin board at the back of the classroom.

Poppies … lest we forget …

Students created beautiful poppies.

We began with a directed drawing lesson where the students drew a large poppy on white paper.  They then traced these with black China markers (a type of grease pencil).  The centre circle was solidly coloured in with green waxed crayons.  Students then painted the petals red. This all happened on Friday. Today, when the paint was dry, students traced over their outlines, cut the poppies out, and glued them onto green construction paper.

The complementary colours (red and green) really pop when put together!

These are on the bulletin board at the back of our classroom.  They look amazing!