Arts Alive – Burnaby Art Gallery

Every year the Burnaby Art Gallery hosts an art show (called Arts Alive) featuring works by Burnaby students.  They alternate the years by secondary and elementary grades.  This year it is the elementary schools’ turn to participate.  Teachers choose whether to participate, or not.  Four classes at Rosser have opted into participating this year.  Each year there is a theme for the art pieces; this year it is Art and Math.

Our class worked through the process of creating a group art piece by looking into the works of Pablo Picasso.  We read a story called, “The Girl With the Ponytail”, which is about Picasso and his series of work centred around one model named Sylvette.  We looked at a variety of his art pieces and at how he used many different shapes (our math connection) instead of typically-created faces.

Students created a few different faces, in different sizes, with black Sharpie pens.  They coloured the faces in with a variety of waxed crayons.  They chose their favourite piece to be included in our art piece.

We were allowed to create a piece that is 18” x 24” so we used a canvas of that size.  The grade one girls painted it with one hue of blue paint.  They then used sponges to add layers of other tints/shades of blue paint, as well as some white paint, to form the backdrop.  On top of this the students’ individual art-created faces were glued.

The jury from the Burnaby Art Gallery will be coming to Rosser on Monday, March 4th to look at our school’s four entries.  They will take photos which will be a part of their digital display.  They will also, hopefully, take the pieces back to be a part of their month-long display in their gallery.  I will keep you informed of the process.  In the meantime, please take a look at the finished work.





100’s Day!!!

We had a very busy day doing ‘hundreds’ of things – literally!  After Calendar, where we officially moved into our 100th Day of school, we created Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 pieces of cereal on each string.   Students counted 10 of one colour before adding it to their string.  They did this ten times (alternating colours) to get to 100.

While awaiting their turn at the necklace station students worked on their crown headbands.  On the crowns they were to chose ten different colours of felt markers and do ten groups of ten objects (dots, shapes, stars, etc.) to create 100 in total.  These crowns were attached to headbands that they were to place 20 stickers on (in a pattern, hopefully) where they wrote the numbers to 100 by counting by fives.