Sports Day Preparations

We had our first House meeting on Monday where the three colour groups chose their team names and decided who would be on the Banner and Cheer committees (these are for Intermediate students only).  Our second House meeting is on Tuesday, May 9th.  At this meeting the Cheer leaders will be teaching the rest of us (in each House) the cheer that they have created.  Our third – and last House meeting before Sports Day – will be on Thursday, May 18.  The goal of this meeting is to practise the cheer again, and then to do a first run-through of the House relay.  This annual part of Sports Day is the final event towards the point collection to see which House wins – and is a lot of fun for all.

Please ask your child to tell you which House they are in so that you can know what colour t-shirt they should be wearing for Sports Day.

If your child wishes they can be a part of the Bike Parade.  They can decorate their bikes with streamers, etc. and bring them to school that morning.  These are usually stored in either the Music Room or the Gym.  We will let you know closer to the date. Please ensure that they are wearing a helmet.

Also, please note: pizza is delivered to the students in their classrooms shortly before noon and students are dismissed at 12:15 on that day.

I hope you can come and join us on Sports Day.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed for some good weather!

Animal Habitat Dioramas

Firstly, a huge thank you to all the parents who helped their child get ready for this week of building!!

Students spent the week creating their habitat for their chosen animal.  The shoe boxes went from a plain old box to a wonderful home for their plasticene animals.

I hope you agree … here they are …

These are on display on two tables in the hallway outside of our classroom and in the display case on the second floor.  I hope you get a chance to see them when you are in the school.  These pictures don’t really do the work justice, especially the glare from the display case glass 🙂

I hope you enjoy them as much as the kids did making them!