Pancake Breakfast

On Friday, December 16th we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with our big buddies from Division 2 …


and then Santa and an elf arrived …


After breakfast we began to watch “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” as we had finished reading the book two days before.  We discussed some of the differences between the book and the movie.


Between Recess and Lunch we participated in the school-wide bingo that has become a Rosser tradition.  The raffle baskets were also drawn at this time.  After lunch we finished watching the movie.  In the new year we will begin reading the second book in the series, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”.

Just before we left for the holiday break a very cold delivery arrived in the form of return letters from Santa.  I hope you all had a happy and peaceful Christmas break. Happy New Year!!  I look forward to our next six months together.

Reminder about the notice re: The Most Magnificent Thing project which was sent home that last week.  On Tuesday, January 3rd we will be having an assembly at 10:00 a.m. to describe this activity to the students.  For this project students will need to bring in a box that they will be transforming into something.  Please help your child find a box for Wednesday, January 4th.

The Last Week before the Break

The last week before the Christmas Break was a very busy one!!

We had a very lovely and sunny (but extremely cold!!!) day on Tuesday, December 13th at Burnaby’s Heritage Village Museum.  We enjoyed all the buildings and exhibits, along with a fun ride on the carousel.  Thank you to all the parents who helped us out by driving and supervising on this trip.

On Wednesday, December 14th we had our Christmas concert.  Students performed in two performances: one at 1:00 and the other at 6:30 p.m.  I hope you had a chance to come to one of the shows to see the students.

Thursday and Friday were also busy – please see the next two entries ….

Aboriginal Study Week – Salmon


During the week of November 14th – 18th we had visits from Ms. Brandi Price, our Aboriginal resource teacher.  We spent three lessons that week learning about salmon, and its importance to the coastal First Nations peoples.  We heard three different stories: Simon and the Salmon; The Salmon Twins; and P’esk’a.  Students learned how to remember the five different types of salmon by doing a ‘hand’ activity.


They also were introduced to some of the shapes that are used in Aboriginal art, and the traditional colours used. For the northern coastal bands are red, black, white, and sometimes a bit of yellow.  They used these colours to complete a salmon picture.




We learned about a few ceremonies and performed a salmon dance in the classroom.  It was a fun week.  We look forward to our next visit with her in the New Year.