
We have been informed that our school license for this mathematics programme has been extended through the summer months!

This is a great opportunity for your child to keep up with, and improve, their math skills.  Students may sign in via the Rosser website.  They all know how to do this as we use our computer lab each Tuesday morning.

Please encourage your child to complete each lesson that they go into on their own. They shouldn’t leave lessons undone.  If they get too much help they will be promoted through to levels which will become too challenging for them.  You are welcomed to help them with instruction – but please do not ‘pass’ the levels for them.

Most of the Rosser teachers have applied for licensing for this programme for next year.  It is being used as a supplement to our classroom math programmes – it does not replace our direct teaching lessons.

It is recommended that students spend a minimum of 60 minutes per week on DreamBox.  I am able to track their progress through the teacher ‘dashboard’ which I plan to do over the summer, as well.  It is very easy for me to see who is on-line using this, and who is not.  There may be acknowledgements in September for those using it …

C.A.R.E. Kit

We began our lessons from this kit last week.  You should have received an explanatory letter in your child’s planner.

These lessons are meant to open a dialogue with the children.  The goal is to inform children of their rights and responsibilities in taking care of their own bodies.  We have currently completed 5 of these 12 lessons.  In these lessons we talk about feelings and the differences/similarities between people.

Lesson 3 focussed on the correct scientific names for private body parts.  We approached this as a science lesson.  In spite of some embarrassed giggling, most students took this information in stride.

We will continue these lessons for another two weeks.  Each day that we have a lesson a half paper comes home which described that day’s lesson.  Please take time to discuss these lessons with your child.

Thank you for your continuing support!


Staff Appreciation Luncheon

A HUGE thank you to the wonderful Rosser PAC for providing such a lovely, and welcomed, catered luncheon on Tuesday, June 7th!!!!!  It was very much enjoyed by both teachers and their E.A.’s (Educational Assistants).

We all felt very spoiled by the decorations, the food, and the lovely candle gifts in flower pots!!

Thank you.

Cst. Jari – Safety Talk

On Thursday, June 2nd Cst. Jari of the Burnaby RCMP came to Rosser to speak to the students.  The Primary students had a presentation on road/sidewalk and bicycle safety.  There were several small video clips on the different topics.  Child actors presented the ideas in a very ‘kid-friendly’ manner.

He touched on the topic of ‘stranger-danger’ and spoke briefly about the recent incident at St. Helen’s School which is just down the road from us.  This subject will be discussed in much more detail during our classroom lessons through the C.A.R.E. kit.

Greater Vancouver Zoo Field Trip

We had spectacular weather for our field trip on Monday, May 30th!!  We went via school bus to the game farm in Aldergrove with Ms. Nazaruk and the Kindergarten class.

Students enjoyed seeing the many different animals at the zoo.  Some of their favourites were: the reptiles, the monkeys, the zebras, the hippos, the wild cats, and the giraffe.

We were lucky to be able to attend three of the ‘shows’ – the raptures (birds of prey); the reptiles (touching both a snake and a tortoise); and watching the lions being fed their lunch.

We walked a great deal around the perimeter of the park.  In spite of some grumbling (about walking too far) we got in some good exercise.  We then enjoyed our lunches and some quick play time at the playground.

We were also fortunate to have a trip around the zoo via their train.

Thank you to the many parents who came along to help supervise a small group each. So many cautious eyes watching our group made for a much more relaxing day!

Axis Theatre – Raven Meets the Monkey King

To top off a busy week of Fine Arts the whole school enjoyed a great presentation of this play on Friday, May 27th in the morning.  The story line melded two great legends – one Chinese and one from our local Aboriginal history – with a modern aspect of having the story take place in our modern time.

The students enjoyed the comedy and the actions involved in this play.  I had read the two legends to them the day before the show.  Many of our students of Chinese ancestry already knew the legend of the Monkey King.  This really made the whole experience special for them.


Fine Arts Night

On Wednesday, May 25th students, under the guidance of Mr. Olson, presented songs that they have learned in their Music classes.  Each division performed 2 – 3 songs for the parent audience at both the 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. shows.

We were also treated to a display of wonderful student art on the walls.  I hope you enjoyed our class’s Sunflowers done in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.  We are currently working on ‘A Starry Night’, also by Van Gogh

Sports Day

We had a great Sports Day on Friday, May 20th.  Luckily the weather held off for us.

Students worked in their three House colour groups to earn points.  They created banners and cheers which also gained points for the different Houses.

We did a slightly different format this year by having the students put into ‘family’ groups of children aged from Kindergarten through Grade 6 – rather than having teachers move around with their own classes.  The Grade 7’s planned and ran the stations which the groups rotated through.

At Recess we enjoyed a lovely popsicle treat provided by the PAC.  Thank you very much.  It was enjoyed by all.

It was nice to see so many parents come out for this event!!