Plant Study


We have begun our plant study by making bags which have wet paper towels and beans in them.  These are taped to our windows so that they will have the sunlight needed to grow.  Students will be monitoring their seeds’ growth on their recording sheets.

We have also planted some flower seeds in individual pots, along with some beans and peas in other containers.


Over the course of the next several weeks we will be doing many experiments with plants.  Stay tuned …


Badminton Lessons

Students had a great week of badminton lessons last week.  Coach Thomas taught them the correct way to hold the racket and how to hit the birdie.  They also used balloons to learn how to be gentle with the rackets and to use a light touch to keep the balloons aloft.


Many students were able to keep the balloon in the air for a long time.  Some counted over 100 hits before the balloon got away from them!!