Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Last week we finished our read-aloud of this wonderful book by J.K. Rowling.  Students learned a lot of new vocabulary and seemed to really enjoy meeting the characters in this book.  We enjoyed the many adventures that Harry, Ron, and Hermione experienced.  As a finale to reading the story we used our new video monitor and computer set-up to enjoy the movie.

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It was a wonderful treat!

Potluck on Friday

As you know, from the earlier notice, we are having our annual Lunar New Year luncheon on Friday.

Please remember that your children should bring their own utensils and bowls.

Also, we are looking for one or two parents to help out with setting up the food and helping to serve the students in our room.  If you are interested in helping us out please let me know.


Mrs. Temple


Value – Art Lessons


In a continuation of our ‘elements of art’ lessons, students have been learning about ‘value’.  They had previously learned that the colour that we see is in the light and that without light there is no colour.

Students now know that black and white are not colours – they are examples of values.  Black is the darkest dark and white is the lightest light.  They created pictures on white paper only using a black crayon.


Video Release Form

As you know, Ms. Sue – our student teacher – has re-joined our class for her full immersion practicum.  Last week a notice was sent home regarding the videotaping of lessons.  This is a requirement of SFU and will only be seen by a few people (teachers, student teachers) and will be erased once her practicum has been completed.  It will not be published or put on-line.

Please complete the form and return it on Monday.

Your support is appreciated.  Thank you.

New Video Monitor!!


To go along with our new computer we have a new video monitor and speakers which we connect to our new computer to show video clips.  We are still awaiting having our screen moved into place but for now we are showing the clips onto our bulletin board.

We gave this system an inaugural run on Friday afternoon by viewing part of the movie, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  This treat is a follow-up to our having completed the oral reading of the book on Thursday.  Students have enjoyed hearing the book being read – and improving their vocabulary – and are now doing a comparison of the book and the movie.  We will finish up the movie in two more installments next week.

New Computers!!


We are very excited that our classroom has now received a new electrical socket and a new computer.  The computer is now connected to the internet and is up and running.  The students have been enjoying using it during Centres time.  We have also been enjoying our Thursday mornings in the computer lab in the library.

Jolly Postman Booklets


We have spent the last two weeks wrapping up our Fairy Tale unit.  We explored a variety of “Cinderella” stories and learned that almost every country / culture has its own version of this tale.

We then created our own fairy tale booklets in the style of The Jolly Postman – books which we began our unit with in December.  These are hanging on display on our bulletin board in the hallway.


Each booklet has three ‘envelope pages’ which contain: a Three Pigs jigsaw puzzle; a letter to the Three Bears from Goldilocks (apologizing for her behaviour); and a Jack and the Beanstalk activity.  The students all worked very hard with the many steps involved in putting together these booklets.  I think they look great.

Happy New Year!!

I hope you all had a great holiday and are looking forward to a great New Year.

Just a reminder that our class is going to McGill Library tomorrow.  Hopefully all Public library books will be back tomorrow.  Remember to send your child’s library card in the morning.