This term, students learned about basic structures and functions of the human body. They learned about the skeletal system, studying the main functions, joints, blood cell production and main sets of bones. Students also created group PowerPoints about bone health and safety.
Category: Science
This term, students learned how people use simple machines to make work easier. Thinking about work as the movement of an object over a distance, students conducted investigations to see how different simple machines could accomplish this task. Along the way, they discovered that forces, loads and friction all affect the ease with which an object travels from one place to another.
This term has been all about Space and our interconnection to the vastness of the universe. Students explored a variety of topics including meteors and asteroids, the Sun, lifecycle of stars, constellations, our galaxy and the observable universe.
Additionally, we participated in NASA’s Mission to Mars Student Challenge. Students were able to design, build, launch, and land a mission on Mars, just like NASA scientists and engineers. Finally, on February 18, we all watched in wonder as the Perseverance rover successfully landed on Mars!
Recently, our study of natural resources in British Columbia led us to looking at specific types of rocks and minerals. We then began investigating some of the gemstones that are found in our province. Each student spent some time researching a specific gemstone and creating a one page visual. Using maps of British Columbia, they found the location of the gemstone deposits. Then, they found an interesting fact about their gemstone and drew an illustration of it in either its raw or refined form. These pages have been sent to MineralsEd where some may be chosen to appear in next years’ calendar.