I have chosen Lost in the Backyard for our next novel study. It is a Canadian novel written by, Alison Hughes. Perhaps you have read some of her other novels in the past. Lost in the Backyard is a story told by a twelve year old boy named, Flynn who hates all things that involve being outside, especially his Outdoor Ed class. Bored to tears, on a weekend away with his parents, he somehow he finds himself lost in the wilderness behind their friends’ house. How will this city kid survive, alone, without his phone…?
Please go to the this link and choose Tumblebooks. Then, use the, “TumbleSearch” tool to, “Search by Title” for Lost in the Backyard. Then, choose, “Read Online” and read the first chapter of this novel.
I think you will enjoy this story. We will be connecting shortly to discuss your thoughts.
I have made Epic! reading accounts for all of you. When you go to the Epic! site, choose, “Students & Educators” and then enter the class code: jpe0286. From there, you simply choose your name and begin exploring. Epic! offers a selection of fiction, non-fiction and comics. They also have read to me books, and audiobooks for times when you want to just sit back and listen to a story.