Division 4 2023-2024

Category: ADST


Students have been learning block coding using a course developed by code.org. Each lesson involves using a specific coding practice to solve a challenge. After learning  to debug code, they created loops to make coding easier and more efficient.


Students continued developing their touch-typing skills using the All the Right Type online typing program. Students achieved significant increases in speed and accuracy while practicing proper form and technique.

Rubik’s Cube Challenge

This term, Division 3 participated in the You Can Do the Rubik’s Cube project. In February, 225 Rubik’s Cubes arrived from the Rubik’s Cube lending program. Since then, the students have been learning about the Cube and developing and using algorithms to find solutions. After solving the individual Cube, they discovered how the squares of the Cube relate to computer pixels. Using this concept, they solved multiple Rubik’s Cubes to collaboratively create a variety of mosaics.



To start this term, you can continue working on coding using Tynker. Please work on your assigned courses first, but certainly have fun completing projects of your choice. Again, send me an email if you need your username/password 🙂