Division 4 2023-2024

Month: March 2021 (Page 2 of 2)

Est-ce que tu aimes…?

In French this term we continued to expand our vocabulary, learning words and expressions for activities we can do with our family.

Students learned to ask each other what they liked to do with their family. For example – Est-ce que to aimes manger le souper en famille?  They also learned to respond accordingy – Oui, j’aime manger le souper en famille. 

Grade 6 Math with Ms. Bauer

This term, students have used reasoning, patterns, and logic to explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas. Students looked at the place value of decimal numbers, compared decimals,and used various strategies (such as regrouping and the box method) to do operations with decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).  Students have also been learning that fractions and decimals can be represented in parts and wholes and have been looking at the relationship between mixed numbers and improper fractions.  

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