Tuesday – April 21st

Today’s Meetings:
Grade 3 – spelling 9:30
Read a loud – 10:30
Grade 2 – spelling 11:30

Today, I am meeting with both grade groups to explain their spelling assignments.  Spelling assignments will be posted on Mondays and Wednesdays.  On Friday in our grade meetings I will go over the assignments with the children and give them a spelling “test” of the words in their unit.  For your grade meetings today, please have your spelling sheets printed off  so you can look at them while I am talking.(Spelling sheets are found in teams under their grade group in FILES)
Some have still not made a post to their blogfolio.  You will be doing this frequently.  If you haven’t could you please complete this before you need to make another one .  Remember you were writing about learning at home, what you like, what you miss……


How to Upload Work to Teams Assignments

How to Upload Work to Teams Assignments

Thank you to those parents who were able to upload their child’s Sorting Mat to Assignments in Team.  I have created a How To document with screen shots to help you do that.  It saves me an enormous amount of time, not requiring me to download the work, login under your child’s name, upload the work.
Thank you so much

Spelling Program and Meetings

How to Print Spelling Sheets From the Files Tab

I am beginning a weekly Spelling program this week.  Every Monday and Wednesday I will upload assignments for the spelling words.  These are found in Teams, under their grade, IN FILES.  I have attached directions on how to print them from files.  You do not have to send these worksheets back to me.  I will meet with each grade on Friday to go over the answers and give them their spelling test.  I kindly ask that you look at their test.
ELL students can choose to do or not do these spelling units.  They have had supportive material provided for them by MS. Elly in Teams under the Extra Language Channel.  They are welcome to join our conversations and take the test with a limited amount of words or all of them.  It is up to you.

Please check the calendar in Teams to see when I have scheduled these meetings.  I understand if they are not optimal times and know that you may need your computer at those times for work etc.  I completely understand.  Just let me know and I will try to support you in a different way.

Monday, April 20th – Read a louds Begin

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend after a great week of learning.  This week we are going to begin some regularly scheduled meetings in Teams.  We will begin the week with a read a loud at 10:30 am.  This will happen Monday-Thursday.  I will also be scheduling grade meetings to explain the spelling program.  The first of these meetings will happen on Tuesday in the morning.  Check the calendar in Teams to see what I have scheduled this week.  Also read my daily posts to find out when.

Here are the links you need for today (although the Hyperlinks in the document seem to be working this week, but they are very slow)
Different Types of Energy
Geometry Sort Game   (good luck)
Opportunities for Learning  – April 20-24
Below is a screenshot of our weekly agenda.



Microsoft Meeting – A Mousy Mess Read a Loud – 10:30 am TODAY

If you go to the posts on Microsoft Teams you will see that I have scheduled a “meeting” for Div. 8.  Because Mouse Mess is such a messy link I’m going to do a read a loud of that book for you tomorrow.  I will start the meeting and then a button will come to your computer asking you to join, click on it and you will be part of our team.  Please have your video off for this as it causes problems.

Friday, April 17th – What a week

Wow, it has been a week.  Links that work, links that don’t, files too big, files too small. Mrs. Schwarz has been learning right along with you.  Today I want you to focus on making sure you have completed one story – all the activities – on Raz Kids, created your post on the blog, and looked at the assignment for math I posted on teams under the assignment link.  You have until Monday after school to complete that.  I have posted another assignment there which is a fun art project for you.  I have put the link here and also under assignments on Teams.
Nature Loom

Next week we are going to begin meeting on line and I will start with a read a loud.  I will do it in two groups so that we have a better chance of things not “glitching”.  Look for the instructions on my Monday post, which comes every school day at 9:00

Below is a little gallery from Mrs. Schwarz.  They are pictures of me when I was just a little younger than you.  One is of my first day of school.  You know, I never went to kindergarten and I started grade 1 when I was 5 yrs old.  I had a Mickey Mouse lunch box.  I was SO proud of that lunch box I took it with me on the first day even though we weren’t staying for lunch.  I remember very clearly sitting at my desk with all the mothers peering through the door.  Some children were crying, I wasn’t.  In fact, I told my mother she could go now. Yikes!!
The other is a picture of me learning at home and finally one of my classroom at home when I am organizing learning opportunities and supporting you.

Easter Chicks

I know I am missing one person’s picture.  If you don’t see yours here, please email it to me and I will add it.
Bravo for following the directions and completing the project, they are all lovely

Blogs Today!!! Also Log onto Microsoft and leave a post

Hello Div. 8.  I am so proud of our class and how they are taking up the learning online challenge.
Today I have a few instructions for you.
Raz Kids: I have looked at all your readings, listened to the recordings you made, and read the reflections you wrote. Today log on and go to the reading room.  Click on the middle book button under the first book you read.  It will take you to the book and you will see a sticky note with a message from me.  It is important that you do all the activities.  Read my message and follow my


instructions on the sticky note.





Blog Folio:  You have all logged on.  Now it is time to make your first post.  The instructions for posting are on the blogfolio page, where you log in.  Look at the top to find those links.  Name your post:  Learning at Home.  Write about what you like about the different way you are learning and what you miss.  I will read them and post a comment on them by Friday afternoon.

Logging on to Microsoft Office:  Use the link below to find directions on how to log on to Microsoft Office.  Go to Teams, find Div. 8.  Click on that team and make a post.  All you need to say is:  Name, says hi (Heidi says hi) and then put an emoji (only one) at the end.  Make only ONE POST .  Next week I want to start a read a loud and meeting with groups of you through a virtual chat so it is important that you know where to go.

How to Sign Into Your Microsoft Office Account

And FINALLY, no math today, just sign into your microsoft Office Account and leave one post.

Happy Learning Everyone!!!
Mrs. Schwarz

PS Let’s try this link for Thumble Books

Raz Kids Journal and Recording How To

Go to the first story you read!

You can see the highlighted orange box that has the microphone on it. Click on this button and the recording features will open up. Choose your favourite page and record yourself reading it.  You can press the green button with the play arrow on it to listen to yourself



I see that many students have listened to the stories, but not read them.  I also see that students are listening to the story, but not clicking on the question mark when you have finished to answer the questions.  Please listen, read and then do the questions at the end of each story.  If you are getting many answers wrong, please reread the story.  Every week we will only do two stories  AND the activities with each story.


The last button to the right of the microphone button is the journal page.  If you click to open that you will see a word page and a reflection page.  Click on the reflection page, and write anything you would like about the story you have read.   Did you like it?  Why did you like it?  Why didn’t you like it?  Did you learn something?  Is there something you would like to find out after reading this book?  These are all ideas for you