Good morning students! Please join Mrs. Nicoll for a Zoom chat at 1:00 today. The link to join is on Teams.

Here are your morning announcements from Division 6!

#1. Reading: 

  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions
  • MySciLearn: start your second story of the week
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Math: 

  • Grade 2’s: You will work on 2 digit subtraction with regrouping. That means that you might not have enough in the 1’s place and will need to borrow from the 10’s place. Remember, the number on top has to be bigger than the bottom. If it’s not, you will have to borrow. On the first sheet the boxes at the top are for writing the new number if you need to borrow.    Worksheets 1 & 2
  • Grade 3’s: You will continue to work with arrays. An array means taking a number and making equal columns and rows. On the first sheet the rows are made for you, on the second sheet you will need to multiply by counting the rows and how many is in each row. To learn a little more about arrays,  watch this video.      Worksheet 1 & 2  

#3. Music: Please join Mr. Smith at 2:30 for your weekly Zoom music class. The link is posted under the Music channel on Teams.

#4.  Art: (for fun! optional!)  Today you can learn to draw a  realistic bunny.. If you would like to share a drawing with the class, please ask a parent to email me (Mrs. Leroux) your picture and I will put it into the Gallery.  Have a look in the Gallery to see all the drawings that are already there!