Hello Everyone! Today is World Environment Day!

Here are your morning announcements from Ms. Hall.

The Burnaby Public Library is doing “paper bag pickup” for borrowing library books. Follow the link and start borrowing books again!

#1. Reading: 

  1. RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions
  2. MySciLearn: read your third story of the week
  3. Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work
  4. There are 3 different books to listen to on Mrs. Field’s library blog.  Have you listened to all of them?

#2. Math:  Today is “catch up” day! However, we are in the classroom with some of the grade 3’s tomorrow and they will be completing some math worksheets. It is your choice to complete this work. In this assignment students will understand that multiplying by numbers is the same a counting by that number. For example, counting by 5’s goes 5, 10 ,15, 20, 25, 30, 35… If I multiply 5 x 5 it is the same answer as the fifth number when counting by 5’s. Students will also understand an array. Please listen to this lesson to understand an array. On the second worksheet, you will use the arrays and form different groups with the same amount in each group.    Worksheet 1 & 2

Please make sure you have completed all of your math from this week.  Choose 4 pages of math to submit to Teams in the “June 1-5 Math” assignment folder.

#3. Physical Health: Please choose an activity or two to complete 30 minutes of exercise today.

  • get outside into the sunshine to walk, bike, play basketball or ???
  • Go Noodle
  • PE with Joe : To honour World Environment Day, PE Joe is exercising in a panda suit!
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga

#4.  Art: (for fun! optional!)  Today we draw a monarch butterfly.If you would like to share a drawing with the class, please ask a parent to email me (Mrs. Leroux) your picture and I will put it into the Gallery.  Have a look in the Gallery to see all the drawings that are already there!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Leroux