Good morning class!

Here are your morning announcements brought to you by Mrs. Kumar!

#1. Reading: Today I would like everyone to do a reading assessment on Raz-Kids.  During the reading assessment you will record yourself reading a short piece of writing, then you will record yourself telling us about the information you just read, and then finally you will answer 5 questions. It will take about 15 minutes or less!  You will really need to think about what you are reading, while you are reading it, in order to tell us about it as there is no going back!!

  • Step 1: If you have already signed on to Raz-Kids skip to Step 2!  If this is your first time using Raz-Kids then you will need to log on using the instructions in the Online Reading Program tab above.
  • Step 2: When you are on your home screen (the space ship control station) click on Flight Check, instead of the usual Level Up, and begin.  You will earn 300 points for completing this assessment!!
  • Step 3: Go to the library link and listen to Mrs. Field’s book of the week

#2. Math

  1. Grade 2’s: You will continue to measure in cm. On the first sheet you will draw a snake the length given. On the second sheet, you will take a ruler and measure the length of the people in cm.  Worksheet 1     Worksheet 2
  2. Grade 3’s: Today you will be learning about kilometres. Kilometres are long. There are 1000 metres in a kilometre! We often use kilometres when we are driving or traveling long distances. Next time you are in the car with your family, look for signs that say how far away a place is. You will notice it says the distance in kilometres. On the first sheet, you will need to add numbers together if you are traveling between more than one town. For example, if you are traveling from Yarmouth to Truro, you will need to add the distance form Yarmouth to Halifax (300 km) and Halifax to Truro (90 km). Add 300 + 90 = 390 km. On the second worksheet, please read the instructions for each question.  Worksheet 1 and 2

#3. P.E.: Go for a scavenger hunt walk in your neighborhood or on a local trail (like Squint Lake).

#4. Art: (for fun-optional!) Art For Kids Today’s art lesson: drawing a cute puppy!! If you would like to share your drawings with the class, please ask a parent to email me (Mrs. Leroux) your picture and I will put it into the Gallery.  If you have a look now, you will see Louie’s art from last week!  Just like before,  you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and something to colour with.  Please put a spare piece of paper underneath your paper to protect your table.  The artist does the lesson with a marker. You may wish to do your drawing with a pencil in case you’d like to erase and make improvements.  You can always fine line the edges with a marker after you are done.

Have a great day!

Love, Mrs. Nicoll