Good Morning Division 8! 

Today is PARADE DAY!!  🙂

We are looking forward to seeing you somewhere along the route!  We will be leaving the school at 1:00 and driving the route slowly, so it may take a little while to get to you.

Get ready to wave!

Please enjoy the morning announcement presented by Mrs. Kimmie today!

Zoom meeting tonight at 7pm  for those of you who have signed up! We are zooming at 7:00 tonight so that we can chat with Vettel in Taiwan!  Please go to  Posts on our Teams site and click on the link to join the meeting.

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: finish your second story of the week or maybe start your third.
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. If you have not recorded yet this week, record 1 story.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Writing: Please finish up your writing from yesterday.  Each box should have one complete sentence that begins with a capital, has ending punctuation and makes sense!  Read each sentence out loud to yourself to make sure!! If you need more than one sentence to complete your idea that is OK too.

#3. Math: For today’s work Grade 3’s will need a ruler, grade 2’s will not.

  • Grade 2’s: The first sheet is showing you that little centicubes, like the ones we have in our classroom, are the same size as a centimetre. You will count the cubes to see how many centimetres long each object is. On the second sheet, you will estimate the length of different objects using your fingers. Your fingers are close in length to a centimetre, so it’s a good estimate.   worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s : Please read the the instructions on the top of the first sheet. When you are drawing and measuring a line, it is important that you start at the first line on the ruler. If you start at the edge of the ruler, your measurement will not correct. On the second sheet you will choose objects in your house to measure that are smaller than your ruler. Write the name of the object down and measure how long it is. Make sure you write cm after the number!    worksheet 1 and 2

#4. P.E.: While waiting for the parade to arrive  you could: do some jumping jacks, run on the spot, jump rope, play Simon Says, play Go, Go, Go, Stop! or …..

#5. Art: This is optional. Finish making a poster to bring to the Montecito staff parade this afternoon!