Reminder: Student Led conference Open House

Cher parents,

A reminder that our open house is this Thursday morning from 9-10am on Thursday November 28th. If you have a sibling in Mme. Slobonick’s class, please attend her conference from 9-9:30 and head over to our class when you are done 🙂

This will be open house style some come when you can and leave when you are done. Students will lead you through the classroom to show you their learning thus far: portfolios, learning centers and their favourite activity.

If you are unable to make it and would like to request another time/date, please let us know so we can accommodate that. If you would prefer a private meeting, please email us to schedule.


Mme. Marando and Mme. Mauro

Book Fair

Just a reminder that the Library is open from 8:30-3:30 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) this week to allow students to shop the Book Fair with their parents/guardians before and after school.

*Please note there will be no book exchange this week.  Students can bring in their Library book to return or hang on to it for an extra week.  The next book exchange will be Weds. Dec. 4th.

Fall Student-Led Conference

Cher parents,

As we approach reporting season, please save the date for our student-led conference. This will be held from 9-10am on Thursday November 28th. If you have a sibling in Mme. Slobonick’s class, please attend her conference from 9-9:30 and head over to our class when you are done 🙂

This will be open house style some come when you can and leave when you are done. Students will lead you through the classroom to show you their learning thus far: portfolios, learning centers and their favourite activity. If you are unable to make it and would like to request another time/date, please let us know so we can accommodate that. If you would prefer a private meeting, please email us to schedule.


Mme. Marando and Mme. Mauro

Fresh Grade up and running

Cher parents, by now you should have all received the invitation to Fresh Grade!

We have been uploading photos and examples of student learning and understanding. If you download the app, Fresh grade for parents, you will receive updates right to your phone or ipad!

Please feel free to comment on the photos and ask questions! I would love for you to share these pictures with your child and get them to explain the pictures and lessons to you.

I am so excited to be using this platform to share our learning and bridging home and school.

If you have not received an invite, please let Mme.  Marando know so we can add you in.


Mme. Marando

Lesson Nov 7th – Object needed


Madame Jenny will be teaching a lesson on Remembrance day. She will be relating this lesson to peace. She would like the students to think about an object/photo that brings the students to their peaceful/calm place. For example, a sleepy time teddy or special toy that calms them. We ask that your child bring this item to school on Thursday. It will be used as a part of a show and tell. The object will go back home the same day.


Mme. Marando and Mme. Jenny

What’s New in November

November Updates!

Mme. Jenny will be teaching one block per week next week!

Important Dates:

  • Nov 6th – Family photo fundraiser at 4pm
  • November 8th: Remembrance Day Assembly Nov 8th
  • November 11th – No School
  • Nov 22nd – Pro-D
  • Nov 29th – Jingle Bell Walk

Literacy: Students will learn letters F-I. Don’t forget to send in an object for the week.


Math: Number sense, patterns and sorting

Science: Forest animals: habitats and adaptations to environment

See the source image

Bonne Fete Elsa Nov 4 and James Nov 24th!

Image result for Star Clip Art
Upcoming Star students: Ella, Damian, Teagan and Georgie


If there are any families who celebrate other winter holidays (other than Christmas), please let Mme. Marando know! We would love to include other cultures in our celebrations!

Halloween reminders

cher parents,

Halloween is days away and we are excited to celebrate with the students!  We will celebrate the day with:

  • Jack-O-Lantern display – Families will be encouraged to bring in their carved pumpkins to the gym at 8:30am on Thursday.  We will put an electric candle in each and have them on display for our assembly.  After which, they will be judged for most creative, funniest/scariest, and most detailed for a prize.
  • Costume Parade  The parade will start promptly at 9am and will tour the school , ending in the gym for an assembly. At the assembly, there will be recognition of Jack-O-Lanterns, Halloween safety, and finish off with Monster Mash song led by leadership students.  

Students are welcome to come to school in costumes but must be school appropriate (no masks, ensure it doesn’t limit mobility, respectful of all cultures etc)

We prefer no goody bags; the teachers have little “treat”bags for each child and we will celebrate with a Halloween themed centers in the afternoon. In the days following Halloween, we kindly suggest one Halloween candy per day in their lunch kits

We have planned a movie for the afternoon of Nov 1st with the other K classes.

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

Exciting News!

Bonjour Parents,

As some of you may have already guessed, Mme. Mauro is happy to announce that her family will be growing in the New Year!

We will be welcoming a new baby into our family and I will be working up until the Christmas Break.  There will be a replacement teacher taking over my position in the New Year 🙂


Fall Rainy Days….

Cher parents,

Now that this lovely fall weather is upon us, I would like to share some information about recess and lunch. We operate a WESTCOAST recess. Students will play outside rain or shine. UNLESS its absolutely miserable and unsafe, students will be out in the rain. Please send them to school dressed appropriately for the weather. Weatherproof pants can be kept in their backpacks or dollar stores carry ponchos that you can leave in their backpacks. On days when the weather is not suitable, students will stay in class supervised by lunch monitors. When possible, we always send students outside. The physical break, fresh air and nature all contribute to help self-regulate children and is highly beneficial to their development.

Here is more info:

Westcoast Recess