Welcome Mme. Giugliani

Bonjour tout le monde !

My name is Vanessa Giugliani.

I am a new teacher and I am very excited to begin my career teaching in this class ! I completed a major in French at SFU and spent a year working in France so I can’t wait to share my passion of French with my students. I love to practice yoga and I also work at a swim Instructor and lifeguard. 

I look forward to getting to know all of you !

A bientôt , 

Mme. Giugliani 

A few reminders and FAQs


Students have requested to take their Chantons home over the holidays. Please feel free to practice the songs over the holidays! I have included a student self-evaluation. If you could complete it together, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to the families that have already done so 🙂

  • Our Christmas art will come home Friday for you to display over the holidays 🙂
  • Be sure to keep the money envelope (little brown envelope) in their dossier and return their dossier on Monday January 6th.
  • A reminder that student absences need to be called in to the office. I appreciate receiving the email to let me know why your child is away, but the absentee line should be used in case I am away or it is not my teaching day. This will be especially important in the new year as we prepare for a new teacher to take over Mme. Mauro’s maternity leave.
  • Report Cards come home today! Please sign and return the envelope only. Keep the report card
  • Pancake breakfast tomorrow from 9-9:30. Feel free to stay and mingle! There will be a suprise visit from a jolly man dressed in Red! Don’t forget PJ day as well! There is no party in the afternoon, but rather an afternoon with various holiday activities and a sing-a-long 🙂

I know you are all wondering who will be coming in in January to cover Mme. Mauro. To ease some questions, I will be back the first week of January: Mon, Thursday and Friday. I will continue to teach Thursday/Friday and the replacement will be here Mon-Wed.

Happy Holidays!!


Au Revoir et Merci

It’s hard to believe today was my last day with your kids! I have really enjoyed getting to know them throughout these last 4 months and it’s amazing to see how much they have learned, grown and developed!

Thank you very much for the very generous group gift.  I really appreciate the thought and will put them to good use.

I will be sure to keep you posted and come and visit when baby arrives.

I wish you all a relaxing and restful Holiday Break 🙂



Cher parents,

Here are some reminders about what is happening next week…Not sure if Mr. Gurney has shared this yet! Its a busy week but we are almost ready for winter vacation!

· Monday: Christmas/Winter Accessory Day (toque, scarf, Santa hat, etc.)

· Tuesday: Festive Hair (or whacky hair) Day + Hot Choc/Candy cane sale day (Div. 6) We say goodbye to Mme. Mauro on Tuesday as she begins her maternity leave. She will be missed but cannot wait to meet the newest addition!

· Wednesday: Tacky/Ugly or Nice Christmas Sweater Day

· Thursday: Red and Green Day + staff vs student volleyball game between recess & lunch TBA **Report Cards go home today. Please keep the report card but return the envelope signed.

· Friday: PJ Day + pancakes 9-10, bingo and caroling galore!! If you would like your child to change into regular clothes after the breakfast, please pack a change of clothing

These are all spirit day event organized by the school. There is no obligation to participate Except for Friday.

Students will be bringing home their inside clothing and shoes. Please review their sizes over the holiday and prepare a new set of inside clothing for the new year.

School resumes January 6th.


Mme. Jenny

Next Thursday will be Jenny’s last day before the holidays! She was going to end her practicum in December but I’m happy to announce that she will be continuing in our class every Thursday until the end of February. She will return to complete her full practicum in April-June after baby is born. We are very excited to keep her on! 

More information will come in the new year once we hear from UBC regarding her schedule. Please note, that while she will be teaching, I will be present in the classroom.

Craft Fair

The Craft Fair PREVIEW will be taking place tomorrow, TUESDAY Dec.10th – we will be walking through the gym and seeing what is available for purchase.  Please DO NOT send money to school tomorrow as the students will not be able to buy.

The Craft Fair will be open for sales on WEDNESDAY, Dec. 11th and if you do choose to send your child to school with money (things will cost between $1-$5), please make sure it is in the labelled envelope in their dossier so we can easily keep track.  Students will be able to visit the Craft Fair to purchase at Recess and Lunch time on WEDNESDAY ONLY.



What’s new in December

December Updates!

Mme. Jenny ‘s last week will be Dec 12th!

Important Dates:

  • Dec 11 – Christmas Craft Fair Gr6/7
  • Dec 19th – Report Cards go home
  • Dec 20 – Pancake Breakfast

Literacy: Students will learn letters J,K and L. Don’t forget to send in an object for the week.

Math: Number sense, patterns and sorting

Science: 5 senses

See the source image

Bonne Fete Simra (14)


Image result for Star Clip Art
Upcoming Star students: Alicia, Connor, Simra, Max


If there are any families who celebrate other winter holidays (other than Christmas), please let Mme. Marando know! We would love to include other cultures in our celebrations!

Healthy Snack/Popcorn day

Cher parents,

You will find a small envelope in your child’s dossier for snack days. Please keep it in the dossier. If you are participating in healthy snack tomorrow, please put money in the envelope. This will help me keep all the money organized and prevent students from losing their loonie since the envelope is labelled. If you sent money today, I have put it in the envelope to collect tomorrow morning. Merci!

PS I am hoping to take a group picture next Friday. I am hoping all students will be present that day!

Mme. Marando

FAQ for student led

Cher parents,

Tomorrow are our student led’s open house. A question came up regarding who can attend. If you can’t make it, please feel free to send a grandparent or any other family member/guardian who would like to attend.

If your child will not have someone coming to visit the open house, they will participate in a math centre or language centre with Mme. Jenny.

I hope that answers your questions! See you all tomorrow!