Hello StrongStart Families;
I hope you are all doing well. It’s hard to believe that is’s been almost two months since we all came together in the fight against COVID-19. It has been challenging to say the lest trying to adapt to all these changes. We have became excellent in multitasking. You might have picked up a new hobby, or learned new skills. If you are like me, some days I feel great and amazed at the things that I can do and some days I feel stressed and alone and thinking how do I get through the day. It is ok to acknowledge your feelings. You are not alone. Take a deep breathe and let it go. Remember to look for and appreciate the little things in life and be grateful for them. While you are doing your part to take care of your community, family and loves ones, remember to take care of yourself too by eating healthy, exercise, stay connected with friends, work on your mental health…Give yourself a big hug for doing a great job during these challenging times, hug your children harder, send virtual hugs to love ones.
As many of you know about our community partners that come to StrongStart to talk to parents regarding child development, parenting issues, sleeping, eating, behaviour or whatever that is on your mind regarding your child, their services are still available and they would be happy to talk to you especially during these challenging times. Please note that their services are FREE. Remember you are not alone. Here are their contact information.
Information Children
Information Children is open
Helpline number: 778 782 3548.
Email: info@informationchildren.com
Parent series for families who may wish to participate
- Circle of Security, April 20th – June 15th, 10 – 11:30AM (Parenting series)
- Keeping Calm to Carry On, April 29 – June 2nd, 10- 11:00AM
- Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers, May 1 – June 5, 10-11:30 (Parenting Series)
Family Services of Greater Vancouver
Anita Olson works for Family Services of Greater Vancouver as Burnaby’s Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC). She has been working with families and young children for well over a decade and as a parent herself recognizes the challenges, complexity and delight parenting brings. Understanding the foundational importance of infant and early childhood development, Anita shares information, strategies and practical tools with parents as they begin and continue their parental journey. Focusing on the parent/caregiver and child relationship, Anita’s work with families aims to create and preserve loving connection and curiosity.
If you are looking for parenting support: email your questions or join the daily Resource Newsletter aolson@fsgv.ca
Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd
Early Childhood Community Consultant
T 604 525 9144
M 604 723 9548
3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7
Thanks a lot for the info