Visiting the Aquarium

What a day we had last Friday exploring the Vancouver Aquarium.  It was awesome to get up close to all the interesting creatures in the exhibits.  Hope you all learned some new and interesting facts when visiting each exhibit.  We will be learning about the Inuit and the Arctic and in Science we learned about bioluminescence.  Did you see any creatures who had that adaptation?  The 4D show was fabulous…even if we got squirted in our faces!  LOL!  Tell me something you liked or learned about at the Aquarium!  What was your favourite thing?  I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED gazing at the jellyfish!IMG_4614

Here are some photos I took (click on the photo).  If you have any you want to share with the class please put them on a usb and I will add them!

Ms. G

27 thoughts on “Visiting the Aquarium

  1. At the Vancouver Aquarium I had a ton of fun seeing the 4D movie but it kind of
    hurt when my seat poked me

  2. The Vancouver Aquaruim was awesome! because we got to see sea creatures like sharks,fish and penguins also we got to see the 4D movie.

  3. I liked the electric eel, my group went to see it and it was sleeping or something then when we left to eat, it powered the lights.we went to see it but the eel went back to its sleep again before we could see it power the lights close up

  4. I liked the aquarium it was soooooo much fuuuuunnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I liked the dolphins there my fav animal!!!!I agree the 4D movie was so sad
    those poor things we’re ruining there habitats every day.

    1. Hi Lucas,
      I will try and look for it in the cloakroom on Monday. Thank You!
      Hope you landed safely! See you in January!

  5. The aquarium was really fun. I enjoyed looking at all of the sea creatures up close. The penguins were my favourite animal at the aquarium.

  6. the aquarium was so fun! the 4d movie was cool in this place I touched anemones and it zapped me! I want to go again!

  7. visiting the aquarium was so cool!! the penguins were so cute. also I loved seeing the 4-d movie. I loved our trip to the aquarium

  8. I loved seeing the 4d movie and I liked the effects like rumbling and squirting water in our faces. I also liked looking at the sea creatures like the jellyfish and sharks

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