The Mind Up Program

brainBoys and Girls,

We just started our first lesson of the Mind Up Program.  We had a really great discussion about the importance of exercising our brains and how the structures involved in our Limbic System works.  What are these structures and what did you learn about them? Also, what else did we talk about?

25 thoughts on “The Mind Up Program

  1. I was happy to learn about the Limbic system there was the amygdala
    Hipppocampus and the P.F. C. I learned that the hippocampus learns and stores memories in addition the amygdala can take over if your not calming and listening to the P.F.C. Also the P.F.C. helps you learn


  2. Now I know why some people freeze when they get scared or nervous. Thank you Ms. Gabas for teaching us about it!


      1. You can explain to her about the limb ice system and soon you can teach her strategies to help her calm down.

  3. I was the hippocampus it was fun thank you Ms. Gabas for teaching us the parts in your head I had fun !!!!!

  4. so interesting. You think your brain is small but it has so much more to it. Amazing, Interesting, Awesome, Cool. Go Brain!!!

  5. Wonder why the amygdala stops the thoughts from going to the PFC?
    Thats pretty weird isn’t it?Its wild that the hippocampus stores almost all your memorys of everything!

  6. I learned that when you get really scared your amygadala reacts if you don,t breath its really hard for your thouhgts to get to your P.F.C

    1. That’s right! We need to train ourselves to calm down so our PFC can get the info and make a good decision.

  7. So great to learn about how amazing your brain is and with all it does and can do how important it is to take care of it!

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