Student Led Conferences


Dear  Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed conferencing with your child.  I know they had so much to show you and tell you.  It was very unfortunate that I could not be there to welcome you to our class and to watch the children share their work. (I am at home with bronchitis, an awful cough and chest infection.)  Hopefully, you learned a lot from them and can see how hard they are working.  Thank you so much for attending and being part of your child’s learning.  Please feel free to post a comment about your meeting with your child.

Thank You,

Ms. Gabas


18 thoughts on “Student Led Conferences

  1. I enjoyed what tamia showed me what the class does and knowing what they’re learning.
    Everything is very well organized.

    Good job!

  2. Morgan showed me what he does in classroom. He also showed me some of his works ( very nice). Everything is very organized.

    Good job !

  3. I am very impressed with all the work Alexa showed me and how organized it all is! I love all the artwork around the class and especially like the “postcards from Paris” art work. She is very proud of all her school work and explained it all very well.

    1. Great job, Alexa! Sounds like you and your mom had a great conference. I’m glad you like the student’s artwork. It is always fun to see them get so excited about doing art! Thanks for your comments!

  4. We enjoyed seeing how hard everyone has been working. Kai was a little nervous, but did a great job showing us around.
    Sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Kai must have really wanted to impress you guys. I’m glad he did a great job showing you around. Thanks for the get well wishes!


  5. Nathan has shown me what he has done in his classroom.
    I he has a good skill at drawing and so does the class. he
    will try to get a better goal at his social skills. I liked seeing
    the hanging art. get well soon

    1. Thanks Mr. Chiu. Nathan is very creative indeed. I’m glad he was able to share his work with you and some of his goals.

      Ms. G.

  6. Thank you for having us to the student conference.
    It is good to see how Sunny is doing at school. I liked the fortune cookies that they made, they were very cute.

    1. Thanks Mr. Chang. It was nice to see the fortunes they came up with. Glad you were able to come and conference with Sunny.
      Ms. G

  7. I really enjoyed the conference! It was very organized classroom and materials. Sora explained me what she has been working for more than 30 min.
    She took there her dad in the evening again.
    We missed you but we had very good time.
    Thank you, Ms. Gabas.
    We hope you get better next week.
    Yukari (Sora’s mom)

    1. Thanks so much for attending, Mr. & Mrs. Aoki. Great job, Sora! I am so proud of you. I’m so glad you had so much to share with them and you did it twice! Good for you!

      Ms. G

  8. i really liked showing my mom the class and the stuff we have been learning and getting some more goals to achieve! and for the french breakfast assignment I forgot to bring it from the computer lab today after i spilled some water on it and the ttoc put it on the windowshelf to dry,so i won’t be able to bring it to school tommorow.

    1. I’m glad you liked sharing your learning with your mom. Hope she enjoyed it too. That’s too bad about your assignment. Make sure you have it when I get back…I plan to be there on Wednesday. Thanks for letting me know.

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