A Busy March!

Hi Everyone,

Div. 5 did an outstanding job hosting the March assembly with their buddies, Div. 12.  It was wonderful to see many of you there…I know it isn’t always possible.  I am hoping to get some pictures from parents and any video of the two performances: the street jazz dance to “Pump up the Jam” (old school) and the Reader’s Theatre. All the kids were a little nervous, but you couldn’t even tell.  They performed both perfectly, with great expression, and with smiles on their faces!  Later, we celebrated with some tasty Cosmic popsicles.  What a happy day!  You rock, Div. 5! : )

20 thoughts on “A Busy March!

    1. I totally want to eat another popsicle! (and of course performing again) It was also my first time M.C-ing.
      mika 🙂

  1. when i first ever danced i thought it was exhausting. But when we did this dance it wasen’t that exhausting. The only thing i needed was more practice that’s why it was exhausting.

  2. I was not nervous because I am really, really, really usedto performing a dance on stage every year and there is more people watching me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I was so excited and nervous about the dance and the readers theater! The whole class and our buddies did a awesome job! Thank you Mrs. R for teaching us the cool dance!
    -Mika L.

  4. The dance was really fun. I also enjoyed the Popsicles. My favourite part of the dance was probably the freestyle. I think this helped us co-operate and be more friendly with each other it will probably help in future operations.

  5. The March assembly was so much fun! I loved doing the dance and Readers Theater! The popsicles tasted so good! Pump Up The Jam!!!

  6. I loved the march assembly!!! The dance was fun too.


    Pump up the jam everybody!!!!

  7. I was shaking and had goosebumps but after the dance i was really proud! oh yeah and by the way, those popsicles were really yummy! thanks for the posicles ~Gianne

  8. That was great, I love creativity and this was the perfect amount!
    I love hiphop and i loved doing the readers theater too!
    Thanks guys for doing your best and thanks Ms.Gabas for setting it up with Ms.Lewzey.
    PS. also thanks to Ms.Rigazzi for the awesome dance practices <3
    ~ Geetika

  9. i loved the dance it was super fun!!!!I had a really fun time with my buddies in readers theater to i loved the popcicles!!

  10. I kind of got stage fright, but I soon got over it, because I have performed before. Thank you Ms. riggazzi for teaching us such an awesome dance!!!!!! Thanks for the popsicles, Ms. Gabas!!!!!!

  11. thank you for the fun script and the popcicles they were awesome and thank you for bringing in MS. Rigazzi thanks for the awsome assembly

  12. I loved the dance we did in the March assmembly but I was so nervous !!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the dance!!!!

  13. I loved the dance and the Popsicles of course the readers theatre was awesome because doing it with our buddies made it more fun hi and thank you mrs. Rigazzi for teaching us the dance

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