Post Card From Fort Langley

Dear Boys & Girls,

Wasn’t our field trip to Fort Langley fun?  I know you learned a lot too.  I want you to pretend that you are writing a post card to your parents about this trip.  Tell them what you saw there at Fort Langley, including your top 3 favorite activities you did there.  Also, check out some photos from our field trip!

13 thoughts on “Post Card From Fort Langley

  1. Dear Mom and Dad,
    It was really rainy in Fort Langley the day we went. There were so many cool and interesting things in Fort Langley. I saw barrels of berries and salmons in the kitchen. Also, I saw axes, saws, pickaxes, chisels, and shovels in the different buildings.I saw a ton of furs on a table and some dangling from hooks on the wall.
    I enjoyed making the bannock bread in the kitchen even though my face got really hot. It was a good thing I was wearing a hat because I could shield my face from the heat.
    Also, it was fun when we got on the long things that looked like skis. Even though it was tricky. The person at the back had to say “left” or “right” then we all moved the foot on the ski.
    When we had to carry bales of hay. I was surprised they weren’t very heavy, maybe they were cushions. We had to form a line and everybody had to close their eyes except the person in the back. Brian had to tell us to go forward, back, right or left. We had to go around barrels.
    It was a long, tiring trip, but it was very fun. I hope we get to go on more field trips this year.


  2. Dear Mom and Dad,
    In Fort Langley we saw lots of furs. People were walking around pretending it was the old times. We made fire with flint and steel, we listened to a man playing a fiddle and we made bannock over a fire.
    From Noah.

  3. Dear Parents,
    At Fort Langely I saw REAL animal furs, REAL weapons and REAL ducks (dead) My top 3 favorite activites are: Making the bread, Trying to light a fire with flint and steel and Making BRACELETS! 😀

  4. Dear mom and dad,

    I wanted to tell you how much fun I had at Fort Langley!! I saw some or I would say that I did stuff I had not ever tried in my life! First, I saw spraks when we were outside seeing how they make fire out of steel and with a hard flint rock. It was cool how that made fire because it is a different way to make fire when you(dad) make it. Another thing I saw there was all different types of fur in one of the houses. One of my favourite things I did was to make bannock bread. I liked the bannock bread because the taste is think a bit different taste from bread that I eat. Second, I pretty much really enjoyed weaving with four strings. I enjoyed it because instead of braiding with three strings, it’s more fun trying a different and new way to do. Thrid, making a fire with steel and flint which made a spark so it can make fire when it touches a small piece of cloth so it goes and make a fire while someone add some wood in. I was glad that I came to see and do lots of new things at Fort Langely.



  5. Dear Ms. Gabas,
    I thought the Fort Langely was really fun. I learned a lot of things such as, Europeans have to learn animal foot steps to decide whether thhey should follow the animal or not.
    Dear Mom and Dad,
    I had a lot of fun at Fort Langely. My favourite activity was making the bracelet/bookmark. My second favourite activity was making bannock bread. They tasted so good. My third favourite activity was hearing the fiddler play the violin/fiddle and tell us amazing stories that we never knew about. He is so good at playing the fiddle!

  6. Dear Mom and Dad,

    It was really fun at Fort Langely. I saw Real animal fur, I saw how to make a Real fire, and last I saw a Real gun while Sonia (my partner) was making bannock bread.
    My favorite activity was making bannock bread, pretending we were on canoe, and last making Real fire.
    I really want to go there again if we can. We didn’t had a lot of time so I couldn’t do every activities.


  7. Dear Parents,
    I thought our trip to Fort Langley was fun. My favourite activity was making the bannock bread because it tasted good, and we only had to wait near the fire place with the bread hovering over it. My 2nd favourite activity was the 2 wooden rectangles when we had to use team work the move it. I still can’t believe we lost to the girls. My 3rd favourite activity was listening to the story teller/fiddler he told us stories about Johnny and the devil where they had a fiddle contest for Johnny’s life. That was a good but rainy field trip that I enjoyed.

  8. Dear mom and dad,

    This field trip was AMAZING! I learned a lot of things. I really enjoyed the part when we did the weaving, made the bread and tried to make the fire. I had a good time talking with my friends wail we were walking and listing to the information when we were at the stations. I wish you were there you would have seen how fun and learn the information!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Dear Mom and Dad,
    I had a great time at Fort Langley. We learned many things and there were many exciting activities to do there. My favourite activity is when we got to cook the bannock bread over a fire instead of baking it in an oven. My second favourite activity was to make the bracelets. I learned how they would weave sashes back in the days and learned many things. My third favourite activity was when we listened to stories of the devil and listened to the man playing the violin/fiddler. He must have played the violin/fiddler for a long time to be so good.

  10. Dear mom and dad,
    at Fort Langley we saw lots of interesting things including furs, the actual fort that was used by the aboriginals, and a olden days fireplace. My 3 favorite things to do were the making of bannock bread because it took a long time to make but it was worth it. My next favorite activity was making the bracelets while we were working we got to see what a real sash was, like what the voyagers would make on their super long journey. It looked very time consuming and very beautiful. I wonder how long it would take them to make the sash. I would not like to be a voyager, anyways I don’t think girls/women were allowed to do much. My third favorite thing was the fire with the flint and steel. I think when I did it I saw a very small spark but I doubt it could make a fire with it. At the end of the trip I was tired but happy and satisfied with how it turned out. I hope on future field trips they will turn out the same way.

  11. dear mom and dad,
    Fort Langley was so much fun!!! my favourite part was when we got to make bannock bread. it was delicious!! we got to see so many furs, and we got to try to make a fire. I didn’t try, because i wanted to see what everyone else could do.

  12. Dear mom and dad,
    in fort Langley we learned all about the voyagers. We lifted barrels and walked around with them on our backs. I learned how to make a fire with a piece of metal and a shiny stone.We learned about violins. we got to make bannock bread and roast it over a fire. In that building there were wepons. In another building there were furs.I wish I could stay there.Xoxoxoxoxoxo

  13. Dear mom and dad,
    I had a lot of fun in Fort Langley and I learned many things. when we arrived, it was all cold and it was raining( It was a bad weather for a school field trip.)I learned many thing about the voyagers, I learned how to make breads out of a fire, and we were carrying barrels and the person in the back was in charge, they had to say”left” or “right”,and i learned how to make fire with hard,shiny stone and some little black cloth(well actually,i don’t know what they are.)and a man told us about a violin history.The worst thing was that i fell three time. but i had a lot of fun here and maybe next time we could come to Fort Langley!!!


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