Van City Trip

We have begun our Social Studies Unit on Community!  We will be working on this unit throughout the next two terms, going on a number of field trips to various places in our community.  Our first trip was to Vancity Credit Union.   We walked down in the rain, and got a little wet, but we had a great time touring the bank. 

Some of the highlights were:

  • the money dispensing machine
  • the vault–!!!  
  • the money counting machine
  • the staff room (it smelled like fresh popcorn and had cool fridges!)
  • getting to chose our own piggy banks (some of us already have a plan for the money we will save!)

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stock-flash-8222441-painted-heartThanks so much to everyone at Vancity…you were all so patient with us as we wandered around your workplace.  A special thank you to Vittoria for organizing and leading the tour!  And of course a big thank you to all our parent helpers…we couldn’t do it without you! 

Our next trip is to North Burnaby Dental Group…everyone smile!CartoonTooth

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Yoga With Renee

In the past two weeks we have been working in the gym with Renee on Yoga.  She has been helping us learn how use yoga to live our class rules:

  • Respect and care for your body
  • Showing Ownership of your actions
  • Cooperation with our friends in balance poses
  • Sharing Kindness in our hearts to share
  • Safety in our practice

Thanks to Renee for the fun yoga and of course to the P.A.C. for funding it!  

We all had a great time and learned a lot.   Namaste!

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Games & Choices

Oral Language development is an important part of early literacy fluency.  There are many ways that we develop our skills in this area.  In Division 9, a significant part of our Games & Choices time is our sharing circle–which is entirely oral language driven.  

We have two sharing circles each day.  In our first circle (prior to Games & Choices), 2-3 students share their plan for that day’s  play.  We listen as a respectful audience-using our whole body, then ask questions and provide comments to each student to gather more information, make suggestions, or just discuss their ideas.

Our second circle is at the end of our Games & Choices time.  Once again, we have 2-3 students share what they did that day.  Sometimes they show something they have made or worked on, and they also have an opportunity to get feedback in the form of questions or comments from their classmates.  We have all become very good at this, and are now moving on…

Today was our first opportunity to record our play using writing!  We use a recording sheet to record where we played, who we played with, what we did, what kind of a time we had, and we also include a picture of what we were doing.

Check out some of our work below… 

Aspen        Amelia           Ava

Owen        Scarlett              Troy

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Measuring Fun

This past week we have been working on measuring area, capacity and mass.  You might be wondering ‘What does that look like in Kindergarten and Grade One?’


This was as easy as 1…2…3…

  1. First, we traced our hands
  2. Then, we estimated how many fruit loops it would take to cover that area, then glued them on…
  3. Next, we counted how many fruit loops it took to fill the area of our hand

Come check out our results on the hallway bulletin board…and ask us (Grade Ones) which has a greater area–our chair or our desk…and ask us to explain how we know…


This is always popular with the students because we use lots of containers and water!!!  


  • Each child chose 2 different containers
  • Then they had to predict which one would have more capacity
  • Next they moved to a tub of water to test our predictions…Hmm…how do we do that?

Aspen says, “you fill the one you think has less (capacity) and then dump it into the other one and if it overflows it has more capacity, but if it doesn’t fill it, it has less”.

(You may have noticed our Poem of the Week is called “Overflow“…there is a method to the madness of the Poem of the Week!)

The next challenge was to find two containers that held ‘about the same‘ amount of water.  This was much harder to do–as we could not choose two that looked the same!  You may want to try this at home–the bathtub is a great place for them to experiment–then clean plastic containers is all you need!  This is a great way to get them to tell you about what they are learning…

Mass:       mfnFrVhEXngZYkb6FZoY7kQ

We also really love to measure mass because we get to use the balance scales (thanks to Siena & Scarlett for helping me carry them…).

For this activity, we worked in small groups led by the Grade One Boys.  Each group had to find items that were: ‘about the same as‘, ‘lighter‘ and ‘heavier‘ than our book  (we used these Beatrix Potter books as a referent) using a balance scale.  We then recorded our findings in our math books.

The groups found something lighter and something heavier with ease, but finding something that was about the same was much harder!  But each group completed their tasks and we are now skilled at using a balance scale.  We will keep some available in the classroom for further exploration during Games and Choices time each day.


  • identify common attributes, such as length (height), mass (weight), volume (capacity), and area, that could be used to compare a given set of two objects (Gr. 1)
  • determine which of two or more given objects has the greatest/least area by covering and explain the reasoning (Gr. 1)
  • determine which of two or more given objects is heaviest/lightest by comparing and explain the reasoning (Gr. 1)
  • determine which of two or more given objects holds the most/least by filling and explain the reasoning (Gr. 1)
  • compare the volume (capacity) of two given objects and explain the comparison using the words less, more, bigger, smaller, or almost the same (K)
  • compare the mass (weight) of two given objects and explain the comparison using the words lighter, heavier, or almost the same (K)

i love math face

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Newton In A Nutshell

Today we were lucky enough to participate in a wonderful workshop about Force & Motion put on by HighTech HighTouch Science.  We learned a number of things about Sir Isaac Newton and his “laws of motion” by doing hands on experiments.

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We learned:

An object at rest will remain at rest

 An object in motion continues in motion unless acted upon

 For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

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Thanks to the P.A.C. for providing the funding for our science  workshop!  Thanks also to our Science Guest Teacher Kathleen–we had a great time!





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Where In The World?

We were very excited to leave Australia and fly to Paris today.

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It was great fun to visit Australia.  We learned about Australian Animals (like the kangaroo and koala) and read a lot of books by Australian authors like Mem Fox and Jackie French.  

On our flight we dined on fromage (cheesy goldfish) and champagne (ginger ale).  This gave us all a chance to practice saying thank you in french!  Merci!

As we arrive in France, we are prepared to learn about the language of this country and ‘see’ it’s wonderful landmarks like the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower.  Many of us have packed our cameras and can’t wait to take some shots of all the wonderful sights!  



(Some of us have also brought bags of money to visit all the wonderful Paris shoe shops (hee hee)!)

We will also have a chance to learn about the wonderful artwork of Claude Monet–and try our hands at creating a collaborative piece of art for the art show…our very own ‘Waterlilies’.  Get your check books out!!

Au revoir!

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We are scientists!

On January 6th we planted an Amaryllis bulb as part of our unit on Life Science.  Today we had our second science lesson with our Amaryllis.  It was Day 9 of our experiment.

Here are the ‘scientific steps’ we follow: 

I wonder, how can I make toys move?

I wonder, how much has it grown?

We began with our question: “How much has it grown?”.  We made estimates based on our visual observations.  Some of us thought it had grown 10cm, some thought 5cm, and some thought 2cm.

In order to find out we decided:

I think we need to measure it...

I think we need to measure it…

I will try our idea

I try out our idea

So we did!


Here it is so far.


I will observe what happens

I observe what happens..

Our next step is to record what we have observed.

I will record what I observe happening

I record what I observe happening

We have a class chart to keep track of how it is growing.  We also each have an Amaryllis Log Book where we keep track of what is happening with our plant–along with all the things we are learning about plants in general.

 Here is our growth chart:



As scientists, we use captions, diagrams and labels to provide information.  Here are some samples of our observations:

Eila       Owen        Carter            Siena

I have made discoveries!

I discover things!

We discovered that our Amaryllis had grown 2cm.  We can’t wait to see what will happen next!  If you would like to see last year’s Amaryllis–just search through the website’s archives!

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We have begun the work of preparing items for our Annual Art Show!  (Taking place this spring…) We are working on creating landscapes this year.

 “Landscapes are works of art that feature scenes of nature: mountains, lakes, gardens, rivers, etc.”

We have been looking at a variety of pieces of landscape art from the Burnaby Art Gallery (B.A.G. in a Box-My Place).  

We have discussed the characteristics of a ‘landscape‘–places but no ‘recognizable’ people.  We then discussed how the artists used a ‘foreground‘, a ‘background‘, and a ‘focal point‘ or ‘emphasis‘ to draw the viewer’s eye.  

We practiced finding the ‘emphasis‘ on a number of pieces of art.  Next, we used a framer’s tool (a teeny tiny empty picture frame) to find a picture within another picture (we used calendar photos).  

See the small white framing tools on the table...

See the small white framing tools on the table…

We learned that by bringing the tool closer to our eyes it makes a larger view, while moving away from us gives a more close up view of our subject.

Finally after all that practice, we got to use the messy charcoal!  charcoal

It is thin and delicate and so easy to sketch with.  We made some fabulous landscapes today…and I’m thinking that we might even turn some of them into cards to sell at the Art Show!  Simple but beautiful!

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Learning Outcomes:

  • create images featuring line (e.g., straight, wavy, curvy, thick, thin) 
  • experiment with a variety of materials, technologies, and processes to make images
  • create 2-D and 3-D images
    • for a given purpose
    • in response to objects and other images they have experienced
  • view and discuss a variety of displays of their own and others’ artworks


*Thanks to the P.A.C. for generously paying for the rental of the B.A.G. in a Box.

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Measurement Fun!

Our Measurement Unit is in full swing–we have been comparing all over the place!  

  • Earlier this week we used magazines to find things that were “little” and “big” (check out the bulletin board in the hallway to see our results).  
  • We have also used a brand new pencil as a referent and found classroom items that were “longer”, “shorter”, and “about the same” size (as the new pencil). 

Today we compared distances traveled by hot wheels cars in our classroom.


  • 3 different coloured hot wheels cars
  • 3 crayons (that match the colours of the cars)
  • pencil
  • a ramp
  • a recording sheet


  1. record names on sheet with pencil
  2. colour cars A, B, & C 
  3. take cars to ramp and let each one slide down the ramp
  4. compare the distances traveled by each car
  5. record your observations on the sheet

We LIVE our classroom rules each day-R.O.C.K.S.!

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Learning Outcomes:

Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing by:

  • ordering objects (GR 1)
  • comparing the length (height) of two given objects and explain the comparison using the words shorter, longer (taller), or almost the same (K)
  • making statements of comparison (GR 1)
  • determine which of two or more given objects is longest/shortest by matching and explain the reasoning (GR 1)

 Here are our recording sheets–thanks to all the Grade One girls for being group leaders for this activity!

car recording sheets

For our final math activity today we each made a “wiggly worm” and then we ordered them from shortest to longest on a poster (check it out below and also in our hallway in person!)  So much fun!!!




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The Circle of Life

Today in drama we ‘enacted’ the life cycle of a plant!

We began with a story “I’m a Seed” by Jean Marzollo.



After reading the story of two seeds (marigold and pumpkin) and their “lives”, we reviewed the steps in their lives and drew a diagram on the board that included:

plant life cycle

Then the acting began.  We had to use only our bodies to be all the parts of the plant as it grew and changed throughout it’s life.  It was a great experience for us all.

We are working on:


  • demonstrating a willingness to explore ideas through drama games and activities
  • using drama exploration to show sequence
  • working in role to imagine and play characters from stories or
    real life events
  • using movement elements and their bodies to explore
    representation of action (e.g., brushing your teeth, a dog
    chasing a ball, blowing out candles, growing from a seed to a
  • finding and using their own personal space throughout the
    drama activity

Watch for more information on our new science & math units on plants & measurement…and how we integrate them…

I will try our ideas

I try…

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