Taiko Drumming Presentation

Today we had an awesome performance in the gym by Uzume Taiko Drumming.  We learned a lot about the use of drums in the Japanese culture, how the drums are made, and what each drum sound is called.


When asked what they had learned, noticed or liked about the performance, the students had this to say:

  • I learned the drums are made from barrels~Scarlett
  • I think they made cool sounds~Illiana
  • Their music was very loud~Andre
  • The sound was deep~Morgan
  • I recognized their costumes~Jack
  • One of the people had a mask on~Anya
  • Girls from our school came to dance~Siena
  • My favourite part was the sushi song~Ella
  • The sounds moved my heart~Emily
  • I liked the sounds~Angie
  • My favourite drum is the biggest~Beau

A big thank you to the PAC for help with funding for these wonderful arts performances!

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Science Is Fun!

Today we did an experiment to discover how the ‘mass‘ of different objects affect the force needed to move each object.


  • straw
  • cotton ball
  • rock
  • 1 item from our pencil box


  1. Using the straw, see if you can make your objects move with just your breath.
  2. Record the observations you made, using pictures and words.
  3. Explain why you think some objects were easier to move than others.

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What did we discover?

  • the cotton ball moved very quickly because it was so light
  • the rock would ‘wiggle’ but not move because it was so heavy
  • pencils and crayons would move quickly because they were round and could roll
  • erasers would not move because of ‘friction

Science is Fun!!


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The Power Of Air…and More!

We continue to work on our science unit on Force and Motion.  We have done a number of different experiments…learning about gravity, push and pull on the playground, the power of air, and friction.

I think the most popular one has been the Balloon Rockets!!  We worked in teams of three to create our own Balloon Rocket–and then test it out.


  • balloon
  • straw
  • masking tape
  • long string

rocket1            Instructions:

  1. One partner holds one end of the string.
  2. Put the other end of the string through the straw.rocket 2
  3. Pull the string tight and have the other partner hold the other end.
  4. Blow up the balloon (but don’t tie it.) Pinch the end of the balloon and tape the balloon to the straw. You’re ready for launch.
  5. Let go and watch the rocket fly!rocket3





recordingOf course we then had to record our observations…recording2

This week we learned about friction–testing how objects would move down a plastic tray vs. a board covered with sand paper.  We had a lot of interesting results–which lead to a lot of interesting discoveries!  We LOVE science!

Our next experiments include the effects of mass on force, and magnets.  Watch your emails, because our final experiment will require some things you might have around your house…



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Designing A Door

Our latest project has been a collaborative painting project–also related to our work ‘Under The Sea’ .  We have started to design a door panel for Room 3.  If you are interested, you can come and see the completed door panels in Room 6 (Mrs. Safarik) and the Music Room (Mrs. Ishii).

In creating our panel, we have used acrylic paints with pot scrubbers to make a sandy ocean floor, and plastic wrap to create the beautiful ocean waves!!!  We mixed colours directly on the panel, making sure to blend, but not completely mix…it looks phenomenal!

Working in small groups we completed the basic background this week, and will continue to work to complete it over the next few art periods.

We will each choose, design, and then paint an ocean animal that we will add to that background.

Our goal is to have this project finished for Student Led Conferences as well…or if not, at least you’ll get to see the work in progress!!  If you want a sneak peek, pop in to take a look–it’s hiding behind the couch right now!

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Creating A ‘Stuffie’

After working with our Artist in Residence-Donna, I was inspired to try some sewing with the class…

Because we have been consumed with The Little Mermaid…(dance, sing, perform!!!) I thought we should use the ocean as our inspiration for an animal we would like to make into a ‘stuffie’.

We read a book called The Secret Seahorse by Stella Blackstone.  The art was wonderful for getting our creative juices flowing!!!  Thank you Clare Beaton!



We then began to practice making just the outline of an animal (this is much harder to do than you think–as we all like to add details to our pictures!).  We used plastic animals to help us.                                           stuffy1 stuffy2

These outlines became the ‘pattern’ for our stuffie.

We used our dress rehearsal day to work on adding ‘decoration’ to our stuffies.  Thanks to Luisa and Tammy for coming to help out!  We did a great job at stitching on buttons, beads, sequins, and ribbons!  We learned so much from quilting with our big buddies (Thanks Division 1) and couldn’t wait to try it on our own…

Once we finished the decorating, we put our 2 pattern pieces together and began stitching our stuffies together.  We are now ready for the last step–STUFFING!!!

We are all eager to seeing the finished product–and I know you will too!!!  Watch for them at the Student Led Conferences— coming up May 26th!


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Trip To SFU

I know this happened a while ago…forgive me, but we’ve been very busy with our production of “The Little Mermaid”!

We had an awesome time visiting SFU… (it brought back some fond memories for Ms. McKenna and I!)

We made a trip to the SFU Trottier Studio to participate in a workshop in the ‘Science In Action’ Program.  Unfortunately, we they were unable to do the “Bird Resources” workshop we had requested, but we had so much fun doing the Super Science Challenge.

Our objective was to:sfu2

‘Learn to think outside-the-box to solve puzzles, build contraptions and complete tasks; all with a scientific angle!’


sfu3 sfu4

After our workshop, we explored the Campus a bit while going on a Scavenger Hunt.  There are so many fun things to see!  We also spent some time writing poems about our experiences.

A big Thank You to our PAC for providing us with the funds to pay for our school bus!  And of course to our volunteers who attended with us–we couldn’t do it without you!

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Creative Writing

We love poetry!

This term we have started to work on creative writing.  We are beginning to write poems!  This is a very exciting time as we are getting a chance to express our ideas in a new form.  Those of us with older siblings are also very excited to listen to poems written by our siblings when they were in Kindergarten or Grade One.

We are learning about the steps of writing–no there isn’t just one!!!

  1. Select a Topic-I can write about anything
  2. Pre-Writing-I can think
  3. Writing-I can write
  4. Sharing-I can read my writing (with a friend and get advice)
  5. Revising-I can make it better
  6. Conferencing-I can work with my teacher (she helps me find mistakes)
  7. Editing-I can use my checklist
  8. Publishing-I can illustrate my writing

**We write 3 poems and then choose our best one to publish on the computer…

Each creative writing period, I introduce a new skill in poetry writing.  So far, we have learned about the steps of the writing process, and how to pick a topic.  Our next lesson is on how to make a ‘list’ poem.  As we build our folders of poems, we may ask for parents to come into the classroom to help us “publish” on the computer.  Watch for email invitations to help out!

Happy writing!!


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Force & Motion

We have begun a new science unit on Force & Motion!

We have defined force as “making things move”.

We have defined motion as “moving from A to B” (or from one place to another place)

  1. We have done a number of experiments with toys–testing out the different ways they can move:  Does it bounce, spin, slide, or roll?  Thanks to our Grade One girls for leading a group in these experiments.
  2. We watched a documentary on motion, learning about push and pull and speed.
  3. We went out to the playground to test out what we had learned about motion, searching for things that needed either a push or a pull to move.  Ask us what we found…
  4. We did some experiments to test gravity by dropping a number of items on the floor to see which would hit the ground first.  This was VERY tricky as it was hard to tell!!  But we learned that they all hit the ground at the same time because of gravity.
  5. Our next experiment involves using air as a force to help make things move…

“Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”~Albert Einstein

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Picasso’s Petite Fleurs


As we continue to study the works of the great artist Picasso—we tried our hands at making a reproduction. This project was based on Picasso’s PETITE FLEURS.

Our materials:

  • Sharpies & Liquid Water colours

Our results:

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Self Portraits-Picasso Style!

We are artists!

We continue to learn about the works of Pablo Picasso, paying special attention to the “mixed up” faces he made.

Using Sharpie markers & a mirror (to see ourselves), we used a variety of lines and shapes to produce a self portrait.

How do we look all mixed up?

[metaslider id=1837]



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