Thursday, April 30

Here is the plan for today.

  1. Morning yoga-
  2. We are going to start our unit on 2d and 3d shapes. 2-dimensional shapes have 2 dimensions-length and height. These shapes are flat. Some examples of these shapes are squares, circles, triangles and rectangles. 3 dimensional shapes are not flat and have three dimensions – length, width and height. Some examples of these shapes are cubes, spheres, cylinders, pyramids and rectangular prisms.

Today we will compare two shapes circles which are 2d shapes and spheres which are 3d shapes.

A Sphere is 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball. It is not flat.

A circle is 2-dimensional is made up of a curved line and is flat.

Put your hands together like you have a circle pancake in between. Then hold your hands up to your mouth to blow air into the circle and curl your fingers as you blow… forming a sphere with your hands. The flat circle has become a solid sphere like a balloon.
Another way to see the difference between the two shapes is do a clap test

  1. On a piece of paper, draw and cut out a circle.
  2. Now go look for sphere shape at home.
  3. Hold the circle in your hands and try to clap. Can you still clap?
  4. Now hold the sphere and try to clap. Were you able to clap with the sphere in your hand?
  5. Why were you able to clap with the circle and not the sphere?

Now go on a shape hunt at home! Look for circles and spheres. Draw what you find on a piece of paper and label the circles and spheres. Email me your work 😊

  1. Login onto your Lexia account and read for 15 minute
  2. Grade Ones pick from one of the following ways to review your spelling words
    – Rainbow write your words
    – Play tic tac toe using your spelling words
    – Create a double set of spelling word cards and play a game of memory by
    spreading out the cards face down and then taking turns flipping
    two cards at a time to find a pair!
    – Type out your spelling words


– Writing: make a list of five words you find in a book or newspaper write the
words in your best printing.

5.  Create a handprint art piece with your family. 😊 Email me your art work.

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