Ms. Tong’s Reading Group

Week of June 15th-June 20th (OUR LAST WEEK TOGETHER!)

Dear families,

Our year has come to an end. I want to thank each and one of you who take your time to help your child learn and succeed- it’s not an easy task juggling this amongst everything happening around us right now. For this last week, as a closing activity, I would like to invite you to make a gratitude jar.

Gratitude Jar by Hey That's My Art Teacher | Teachers Pay Teachers

If you have real jars, that would be great. The jar can be stuffed with cut-up confetti made with construction paper, rocks, or anything you desire (i.e. beans). This goal of this activity is to come up with vocabulary words/ sentences that describe what they are thankful for this year.


Grade 1s: Encourage then to write sentences with capital letters and periods.

Ks: Encourage them to sound out the words, but they may need help writing out their sentences- try not to correct then unless the error is made in the first or last letter of the word(i.e. /f/u/d/ for “food” is close enough :))

This will be our last activity together and hopefully a good wrap up to our challenging year. It was a pleasure to teach each and everyone one of your children.


Have a great summer!! PS: I would absolutely love to see some of the gratitude jars 🙂


Week of May 25th-May 29th

Dear families,

Please read the important announcement about ELL year-end assessment here:

I will not be updating this blog during ELL assessments, so please check back on June 15th.

Here are the assignments for this week:

Ks: Please watch this video on print concepts: punctuating a sentence. After the video is finished, please give your child this spelling list: am, happy, sad, tired, mad, you, mom, dad with pictures beside it (i.e. happy 🙂 )  to help your child know word meaning. Then, ask your child to write two sentences. The first sentence will describe how he/she feelings (i.e. I feel happy.). The second sentence will describe how you feel (i.e. Mom feels tired). During this exercise, help your child distinguish using a capital letter (i.e. I instead of i) for the beginning fo the sentence, and then a period at the end of the sentence. Feel free to make up a song about capitals and periods and sing it daily with your child. 🙂

Grade 1s: This week you will watch a video on the “ing” sound. After your child has watched the video, write down a few words (i.e. talk, walk, sing). Say the word (i.e. “talk”) and say, “Change this word to talking.” Be sure to not chose words that require doubling the letters (i.e. swim to swimming). Feel free to make up a song about the “ing” sound(i.e. i-n-g says ing, i-n-g says ing, i-n-g in swimming, dancing~) and sing it daily with your child.

Week of May 19- May 22

Hi families,

As the weeks have gone on, the assignments I’ve collected back has significantly increased. If you have not yet watched the videos from the last two weeks, please review them. For this week, instead of putting up another video, I will include this optional activity:

Goal: To increase academic vocabulary

Animal study:

  1. Think of an animal you are interested in.
  2. Animals frequently have different names for their body parts.
  3. Think of an animal and learn about the names of its different body parts. Draw a picture and label the different parts.
  4. Grade 1s only: Include a short write up and answer the following questions- Are the names of your animal’s body parts the same as humans? Are they different? What was interesting?


Printables: Label the Parts of a Polar Bear by Green Tree ...


Week of May 11th-May15th

Welcome back,

This week we will continue on with our word work. Ks will focus on finding the middle sounds of words like /a/ in bat. Grade 1s will continue their work on the /ch/ and /sh/ sounds.

Please watch the video:

Here is a description of what you will do this week in case you missed it:

Ks: Parents will find objects (3-4 letter words) and have your child figure out the middle sound. Please begin with first and last sounds if your child struggles with that. The teaching sequence should be first and last sounds, then middle sounds. If your child is unfamiliar with vowel sounds, please review that daily. After your child has correctly identified the middle sound, have them label the letter that makes that sound and place it beside the object. Take pictures and send them to me.

Grade 1s: You will find objects with /sh/ and /ch/ sounds with your parents’ help. Identify if you hear /sh/ or /ch/ and use a post-it or any small piece of paper to label the object. Take pictures of those correctly identified objects and send them to me.

Thank you and see you all back next week!

Week of May 4th-May 8th

Hi Ks and 1s,

This week we will be working on some word work that focuses on phonological awareness of blending and segmenting sounds. Here is a short video to walk you through your tasks for this week.

Note: Please ensure if you have not yet handed in any assignments to get in touch with me at this week.


Week of April 27-May 1st:

Hi Ks and 1s,

I’m going to try and update weekly, if not bi-weekly. I am still reviewing feedback from parents in terms of workload and evaluating how much homework is being handed in. As I said, it’s time to be compassionate, and while having supplemental work is great, if families can’t access them or have time to complete them, it may create more stress as work begins to pile up.

Here is the activity for this week- I’ve explored a few new technologies and I’m very excited to do it through Zoom videos! Hopefully, this will eliminate any technical difficulties you may have experienced(haven’t heard from anyone, so it should be fine). *Note: The video does start with a black screen so don’t panic and keep watching!


Weeks of April 14th-28th

Here is a video to learn more about the unit of Spring.

Both Kindergarteners and Grade 1s:

Step 1: Watch this video on Spring.

Grade 1s only:

Step 2: Please go on a nature walk with your parent(s) or family members and take a moment to notice what’s around you. What do you notice about springtime? Draw a picture and write 2 sentences about your observations.

Step 3: Submit your assignments by following the instructions in this link: