Wednesday, June 24

1.Finish working on your memory booklets. When you are done read your memory booklet with a family member.
2.Watch the following read aloud-
3. Movement break-pick your favorite go-noodle or just dance kids song.

Hello Everyone,

This is the last post of weekly activities. I can’t believe we are  at the end of the school year! The last few months brought upon many changes, especially during our transition to learning at home. I want to thank you all for all the hard work you put into your learning. Thank you to all the parents for their continued support. It has been amazing teaching and meeting each and everyone of you. Congratulations on finishing your Kindergarten and Grade One year! Have a safe and wonderful summer!

Ms. Cheema

Tuesday, June 23

Here is the plan for Tuesday, June 23

1) Go for a morning walk or do some yoga –

2) Login into your lexia reading account for 15 minutes.

3) Continue to work on your memory books from yesterday.

4) This was a very different school year with many changes.
This video highlights some of the changes. Watch the following video
Discuss the school year with a family member. Answer the following questions:
How do you feel about the school year? What was hard this year? What did you enjoy?

Monday, June 22

Here is the plan for today

1) Cosmic Kid Yoga-

2) Login into your lexia reading account for 15 minutes.

3) Memory Book- This is the last week of school! Work on the memory booklets to reflect on the year and think about your favorite memories. You do not need to complete the booklet today, work on the booklet over the next few days.
Grade One- FirstGradeEndofYearMemoryBook (1)

June, 17-19

Here is the plan for today
Wednesday, June 17

1) Go for a morning walk with a family member 😊

2) Login into your lexia reading account for 15 minutes.

3) Journal- It is almost summer break! What are you most excited about?
Kindergartens draw a picture and have a family member help with the writing.
Grade ones draw a picture and write 3 or more sentences. Email your journals when

4) Choose a different activity from this package SummerFunDirectedDrawing and create your own summer drawing by following the steps.

Thursday, June 18

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga-

2) Kindergarten & Grade Ones: Take a break from writing and draw a story only using three pictures! Then use your pictures and tell a family member the story.

4) Have a family member read you a story.

Friday, June 19

Good morning! Father’s Day is on Sunday! Our last task today will be a Father’s Day activity. If possible, please have your child complete the last activity with another family member at home. I hope you have a great Father’s Day!

1) Go for a morning walk 😊

2) Kindergartens- have a family member read 5 words from the sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

Grade Ones- have a family member read 10 words from your sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

3) Father’s Day is on Sunday! Here are some ideas you can work on to surprise your dad. It is your
choice which activity and how many activities you would like to complete.

  • Fill out following handout on your dad- TheScoopFathersDayEdition
  • Make a card for your dad. You can follow along with this video
  • Draw a picture of you and your dad. Write 3 things you love about your dad.
  • On a piece of paper write “I love you because…” and write down all the reasons you love your dad.

Enjoy the weekend! 🙂



Tuesday, June 16

Here is the plan for today.

1)Cosmic Kids Yoga-
or go for a morning walk.

2) Go on the following website and choose a story to listen to with a family member. After listening to the story discuss and answer the following questions:
Who were the characters in the story?
Where was the setting?
What happened in the story?
Did you like the story? Why or why not?

3) Kindergartens and Grade Ones- Review your spelling words by doing one of the following activities:

– Rainbow write your words
– Play tic tac toe using your spelling words
– Type out your spelling words

4) Choose from one of the activities SummerFunDirectedDrawing and create your own summer drawing by following the steps. 😊

Monday, June 15

Here is the plan for today.

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga- 

2)  Kindergartens– This week we will look at words with op, ot and og in them.

Watch the following video

Now work on the sort for this week, which I have emailed.
Sound out the words with a family member.
Cut out the words and pictures.
Match the words with the right picture.

If you do not have access to a printer, write out the words and draw the pictures.

Grade Ones- I have emailed your spelling sort. Go over the words with a family member. Then copy and print your new words on a piece of paper.

3) Self-Assessment-Kindergarten and Grade One

Please have your child complete page 2 of this self-assessment CommunicationCoreCompetenciesSelfAssessment  This is required for Term 3 Report Cards. Please send the assessment back as soon as possible. If you don’t have access to a printer, please have your child write and draw their response on a blank sheet of paper.

Have your child pick one of the topics on page two. Discuss the topic with your child and write down their ideas and have them draw a picture.

The students that attended school last Thursday, June 11 have completed the self-assessment at school. You do not need to do this assessment.  They can work on a journal entry.
Have your child pick from on of the following topics:

-The last time I laughed really hard was when…..
-I’m a good friend because…..
-I get excited when………

Email the journals when completed. 🙂

Wednesday, June 10

A reminder, I will be at school on Thursdays with students that opted to return to school. Therefore, I will be posting assignments and activities for Thursday as well. There is no school this Friday, it is a pro-d day.

Plan for Wednesday, June 10

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga-

2) Kindergartens
Complete the handout I have emailed and work on pages 8-9 to practice some subtraction.

Grade Ones
Grade Ones work on the second page of this handout AdditionandSubtractionWordProblemswithaCampingTheme (1) of word problems.

4)  Kindergartens– Review the ‘ap’ and ‘ag’ words from your sort. Then rainbow write your spelling words. Write each word first with a pencil. Then trace over each word three times with a colored pencil or marker. Each time you trace use a different color.

Grade Ones– Review your spelling words. Then rainbow write your spelling words. Write each word first with a pencil. Then trace over each word three times with a colored pencil or marker. Each time you trace use a different color.


Plan for Thursday, June 11

1) Go noodle kids-

2) Kindergartens- have a family member read 4 words from the sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

Grade Ones- have a family member read 10 words from your sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

3) Math– Kindergarten and Grade Ones create an image using 3 triangles, 4 circles, 1 rectangle, 2 hexagons and 3 squares. Email your drawings when completed.

4)  Journals– How are you feeling? What zone are you in? Why are you in that zone? Draw a picture and write a few sentences. Email your work when completed.


Tuesday, June 9

Here is the plan for today.

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga-

 2) Kindergartens
Listen to Dr. Seuss’ story One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Work on this handout OneFishTwoFishwritingactivity by printing the sentences and drawing the fishes.

3) Grade Ones
Listen to Mo Willems’ story Don’t Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late
The pigeon wants to stay up late. The pigeon gives many reasons. He is trying to persuade the reader. Write about a time that you tried to persuade someone to let you stay up late. What reasons did you give? Did you get to stay up later? Try to write 4-5 sentences.  Email your work when completed.

4) Login onto your symphony math account for 15 minutes.

Monday, June 8

Here is the plan for today.

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga-

2)  Kindergartens– This week we will look words with ap and ag in them.
Watch the following videos-

Write ap on a piece of paper. Sound out it out.
Add the letter c before ap. What word does that spell?
How many other words can you make with ap?

Write  ag on a piece of paper. Sound out it out.
Add the letter w before ag. What word does that spell?
How many other words can you make with ag?

Now work on the sort for this week, which I have emailed.
Sound out the words with a family member.
Cut out the words and pictures.
Match the words with the right picture.

If you do not have access to a printer, write out the words and draw the pictures.

Grade Ones- I have emailed your spelling sort. Go over the words with a family member. Then copy and print your new words on a piece of paper.

3) Login onto your lexia account for 15 minutes.

Monday, June 8

Here is the plan for today.

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga-

2)  Kindergartens– This week we will look words with ap and ag in them.
Watch the following videos-

Write ap on a piece of paper. Sound out it out.
Add the letter c before ap. What word does that spell?
How many other words can you make with ap?

Write  ag on a piece of paper. Sound out it out.
Add the letter w before ag. What word does that spell?
How many other words can you make with ag?

Now work on the sort for this week, which I have emailed.
Sound out the words with a family member.
Cut out the words and pictures.
Match the words with the right picture.

If you do not have access to a printer, write out the words and draw the pictures.

Grade Ones- I have emailed your spelling sort. Go over the words with a family member. Then copy and print your new words on a piece of paper.

3) Login onto your lexia account for 15 minutes.