Thursday, April 30

Here is the plan for today.

  1. Morning yoga-
  2. We are going to start our unit on 2d and 3d shapes. 2-dimensional shapes have 2 dimensions-length and height. These shapes are flat. Some examples of these shapes are squares, circles, triangles and rectangles. 3 dimensional shapes are not flat and have three dimensions – length, width and height. Some examples of these shapes are cubes, spheres, cylinders, pyramids and rectangular prisms.

Today we will compare two shapes circles which are 2d shapes and spheres which are 3d shapes.

A Sphere is 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball. It is not flat.

A circle is 2-dimensional is made up of a curved line and is flat.

Put your hands together like you have a circle pancake in between. Then hold your hands up to your mouth to blow air into the circle and curl your fingers as you blow… forming a sphere with your hands. The flat circle has become a solid sphere like a balloon.
Another way to see the difference between the two shapes is do a clap test

  1. On a piece of paper, draw and cut out a circle.
  2. Now go look for sphere shape at home.
  3. Hold the circle in your hands and try to clap. Can you still clap?
  4. Now hold the sphere and try to clap. Were you able to clap with the sphere in your hand?
  5. Why were you able to clap with the circle and not the sphere?

Now go on a shape hunt at home! Look for circles and spheres. Draw what you find on a piece of paper and label the circles and spheres. Email me your work 😊

  1. Login onto your Lexia account and read for 15 minute
  2. Grade Ones pick from one of the following ways to review your spelling words
    – Rainbow write your words
    – Play tic tac toe using your spelling words
    – Create a double set of spelling word cards and play a game of memory by
    spreading out the cards face down and then taking turns flipping
    two cards at a time to find a pair!
    – Type out your spelling words


– Writing: make a list of five words you find in a book or newspaper write the
words in your best printing.

5.  Create a handprint art piece with your family. 😊 Email me your art work.

Wednesday, April 29

Here is the plan for today.

Start the morning with some Gonoodle!

Here is your journal topic- What does a super-fun day look like to you?
-Where are you? – Do you stay in one place? -Who is with you?

Please email me your work when you are done. 🙂


Kindergartens complete the spring worksheets SPRINGBeginningSounds. Color each picture and then color the letter that it begins with. If you don’t have printer draw the picture and print the letter that it begins with. Email your work when it is completed. 


Grade Ones review your spelling words and then choose 3 words from your spelling list and write a sentence using each word. Email your work when it is completed.


Draw a bunny by following the directed drawing steps. I have emailed the steps to your parents. 😊 Email your bunnies to me!

Login into your Lexia account and read for 15 minutes.

Tuesday, April 28

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend!
Here is the plan for today.

  1. Start the morning with Cosmic Kids Yoga Dance Party!

  1. Kindergartens– watch the following video to review the letter Gg
    Practice printing letter Gg and look for things at home that begin with Gg.

  Email me your work once it is completed. 😊

 Grade 1

 Your spelling sort has been emailed to your parents. This week the sort
will review digraphs and short vowel sounds. A digraph is when two letters
combine to make one sound. Watch the following video on digraphs.

 Here is a fun way to review the vowel sounds.

   If you do not have access to printer, please copy the sort on to paper and cut out each word.

  1. Login into your Lexia account and read for 15 minutes.
  2. Listen to the read aloud about spring.

We have heard a few stories on spring and discussed signs of spring. Think about what you see, smell, hear, and feel when it is spring time. Here is a fun spring senses writing sheet! Click here- Spring Assignment

If you do not have access to a printer, you can print your ideas on plain piece of paper. Please email your work when it is completed 😊

Ms. Tong’s Reading Group

Hi Ks and 1s,

I have recently posted in Ms. Tong’s reading group. I am unsure if everyone receives e-mail for updates so this will be my last time posting in announcements for my updates. Please feel free to check back weekly or after an assignment due date passes.

Take care,

Ms. Tong

Friday, April 24

  1. Movement Break
  2. Kindergartens
    Complete the sort for letter-B,M,S, and R. I have emailed the sort to your parents. You need to cut out all the pictures and match the beginning sound with the correct letter. If you do not have a printer, use a white piece of paper and divide into 4 sections and then draw the pictures under the correct letter.  Please email me your sort.
    For example
Draw the pictures and place them under the correct letter

Grade Ones
Spelling Quiz- Ask your parents to read out 10 spelling words, do your best and write them down. Please email me your quiz 😊

3. Draw a picture of yourself and write what zone you’re in and a word that describes how you’re feeling.
More about the Zones of Regulation here:  
Please me email me your completed work.

Here is my example-
Today I am in the green zone. I had good night sleep and woke up early and did some yoga. After the yoga I felt ready for the day. I feel happy, because today I will be making pizza with Amaya. We both love pizza!

4.  Login onto your Lexia account and read for 15 minutes.

5. Listen to the 2 different stories about the 4 different seasons. Which season is your favourite and why? Discuss and ask your family members what their favourite season is 😊


This Monday, April 27th is a Pro-d day, there will be no assignments.

 Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, April 23

Here is the plan for Thursday, April 22

  1. Count to 100! Follow along to this video to get fit with Jack Hartman!

  1. Kindergartens– watch the following video to review the letter Rr
Practice printing letter Rr and look for things at home that begin with Rr.

Grade Ones– Review your spelling words and then pick 3 words and
create sentence for each.

         Email me your work once it is completed. 😊

  1. Login into your Lexia account and read for 15 minutes
  2. Kindergartens– Subitize with a Pirate! Click on the link and review numbers 1-10

        Grade Ones play this fun addition game using a deck of cards.  If you don’t have a deck of cards at home, you             can make number cards and use those.

Here is an example with cards I made at home


Earth Day

Here is the plan for Tuesday, April 22

Today is Earth Day, which is a day to appreciate and think about how we treat our planet. As you complete the following Earth Day activities think and discuss the following 2 questions.

  • Why is it important to take care of the earth?
  • What are some ways we can take care of the earth?
  1. Morning yoga- Practice these 5 earth day yoga poses by following along to this video:

How long can you balance in each pose?  Try to count to 10 and back while holding it!  Remember to breathe!

  1. Visit Ms. Solomon’s library blog

  1. Remember to add to your happiness jar 😊
  2. Explore the national geographic kids website to Celebrate Earth Day by learning tips for helping our environment.

  1. Listen to the Earth Day story called “I can Save the Earth”

Draw something you can do to help the earth. Tell your ideas to someone that can write them down for you.

Grade ones
Draw something you can do to help the earth and write a few sentences.

Please email me the completed assignment😊

6. Read for 15 minutes

Announcement from Ms. Tong, our ELL teacher.

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s) of students who receive ELL services,

I have launched languaged-based activities to supplement your child’s learning. If you know your child belongs to my ELL reading group, please refer to the tab “Ms. Tong’s Reading Group” for supplemental activities.

You will have received an e-mail notification about this. If unsure, please feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions. Please note that if your child is ELL level 3/4, this message does not pertain to you.

Thank you, parents, for your ongoing patience and hard work!

Tuesday, April 21

Here is the plan for Tuesday, April 21

  1. Morning yoga-
  2. Visit Ms. Nastalski music blog to see your weekly music activities.

  1. Remember to add to your happiness jar 😊
  2. Login in to Raz- Kids and read for 15 minutes.
  3. Listen to the read aloud about spring-

Pick one of the following topics for your journal writing

  • I know it’s spring when…
  • Do you feel happier during the springtime because of the sun?
  • What are you most excited to see bloom in the spring?
  • What if the weather was like spring all year long?

Kindergartens please draw your picture and try labeling some parts of your drawing by writing the sounds you hear. Parents please write any ideas shared by your child. 😊

Grade ones draw and then write about your topic. Before you begin writing make sure you discuss your ideas with someone 😊

Please email me the journal assignments.  

  1. Kindergartens- Please watch the following video to review the letter Mm

Practice printing letter Mm and look for things at home that begin with Mm.

Grade 1

Please review the short vowel sounds by watching the video.

Practice your spelling words and complete the sort. Then play tic-tac toe with someone at home. Instead of using the letters x and o, use your spelling words!

Monday, April 20

Good Morning Division 5

I hope you all had a great weekend. I spent some time outside going for walks and reading under the sun. We had a barbeque on our deck. Amaya played with bubbles and side walk chalk. I also enjoyed reading your Elephant and Piggie stories. 😊

Here is the plan for Monday, April 19

  1. Morning yoga-
  2. Start a happiness Jar: decorate a container. Throughout the week, draw/write about something that made you happy on a small piece of paper and put it in the jar. Ask your family members to add some too!  Read them together when the jar is full.
  3. Login in to Raz Kids and read for 15 minutes.
  4. Kindergartens
    Count collections of items at home (buttons, beans, rocks, toothpicks, etc).  How did you count?  Can you count them a different way? Collect 10 of the same objects and break them apart into 2 groups in 5 different ways.  (Bonus: parent can model writing an equation, eg 4+6=10, 2+8 etc)

     Grade Ones Fill two bags with collections of small objects. Then grab a handful from the two different bags, then count and add up the results. Be sure to write it all down to get practice at setting up addition equations.

Here is an example

  1. Kindergartens- Please watch the following video to review the letter Bb

Practice printing letter Bb and look for things at home that begin with bb.

Grade 1

Please review the short vowel sounds by watching the video.

Then work on your spelling sort, which has been emailed to your parents. If you do not have access to printer, please copy the sort on to paper and cut out each word. After reviewing the vowel sounds cut and sort.