
  • Emotional Regulation

    In Division 5, we are discussing three key players in the brain and how they impact our mental health in our daily lives. The way we regulate our emotions impacts our relationships, the way we communicate with others and how we approach challenges. These are a few videos on this topic.    

  • Healthy Mind Platter

    Hello Families, I would like to share the Healthy Mind platter by Dr. Dan Seigel and David Rock. It is a great way to get the essentials that the brain needs daily. Watch the video for an explanation and click the image of the platter to get more information.  

  • Welcome Students, Families & Teachers!

    My name is Anna Aquila and I am a counsellor with over twenty years of experience working in elementary schools in Burnaby. My hope is that this is a space to connect, find information and relevant resources. Currently, I am based at two elementary schools. Montecito – Mondays and Thursdays Stoney Creek – Tuesdays, Wednesdays (till noon) & Fridays