Community Resources

  • Digital Literacy with Family Smart

    Hello Families, Today I want to share information about an organization called Family Smart. It’s an organization that supports child and youth mental health and helps families by providing support  in connecting families to resources and services. Every month, they facilitate presentations called “In the Know,” on a variety of topics presented by experts in the area. See the latest video called, “A Conversation for Families about Digital Wellbeing and Mental Health.” Summary of the presentation: As parents, we struggle with balancing our children’s time spent in the digital world and what we consider the real world. It’s not easy to know how much time on technology is too much…

  • Mental Health Week May 4-10

    Mental Health week in Canada was created to bring awareness and acknowledgement of the thousands of children, youth and families needing mental health support. In classrooms, to help students understand mental health, I tell them that all of us have mental health, just like physical health. It’s the way the brain reacts to everyday life events. Therefore, it is a priority to take care of the health of our minds so that we can adapt to the challenges that life presents to us no matter how big or small they may be.   Dr. Stan Kutcher is the leading professional in the field of mental health. He is a Senator,…