No Librarian at School Today

Good afternoon Division 11 families,

Today our Librarian, Ms. Ho, is away today. Ms. Ho asked for all returns to be sent back and any renewals to be kept. Some students have chosen to renew a few books and those books are in their backpack.

Students will not be coming home with new books today. Hoping we can possibly get new books if Ms. Ho is back on Thursday.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Theme Days December 14- 18

Good morning families of Division 11,

Next week is already the last week of school before the holiday break. If you would like to participate, below are the themes for each day of the week. It is also on the Suncrest website.

Monday December 14– Toques and Scarves Day
Tuesday December 15 – Winter Sports Day (hockey jerseys, ski wear, winter sport ribbons or medals)
Wednesday December 16– Wear Red or Green Day
Thursday December 17– Holiday Clothes Day
Friday December 18 – PJ Day


Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Freshgrade and Snapshot of Learning

Good morning families of Division 11,

It has been a wonderful experience being part of your child’s learning so far this school year. To highlight their learning, collaboration and experiences from September until now I will be posting photos over the next few days on Freshgrade for you to view with your child. The postings I share are to supplement your child’s “Snapshot of Learning” that will be handed out Friday December 4th. When reviewing Freshgrade ask your child about their experiences, what they notice in the photos, an experience or activity they really enjoyed and an experience that challenged them or encouraged them to take risks. This is a great opportunity to share your child’s online portfolio and reflect on learning, growth and new experiences together. 

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Library Update and Pro- D- Day Reminder

Hello Families of Division 11,

Starting next week on December 1 we will be having library every Tuesday! This is a change from every second Tuesday to every Tuesday. Please make sure your child is returning their books if they wish to get new ones.

A reminder that Friday Nov. 27 is a Pro D Day and there is no school for students. Enjoy your long weekend!

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Extra Socks

Good afternoon Division 11 families,

As it is raining more often these days … Division 11 is going through their extra socks a little  more often.

Please have your child bring extra socks to school to keep their feet dry as we head outdoors for Outdoor Classroom, Recess and Lunch every day.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

November Updates

Hello Division 11 Families!

Words Their Way:

Words their way is a program we have begun in our class to guide our literacy practice. Every Friday words will be in your child’s planner pocket; those words have been practiced in the classroom and you can continue working on them the week after. Please find a safe place for them. In the classroom we use a plastic bag.  Instructions are in your child’s planner and located on the document below. Have fun with the words using the suggested games provided to strengthen your child’s literacy skills.

Photo Retakes:

Photo retakes will be taking place on Tuesday November 17. If your child is getting retakes please let when our class is called I know who to send down to get their photos taken. For those who weren’t here I will be sending them down already.


Library will be this Tuesday November 17.

Pro- D- Day:

No school for students on Friday November 27.

Thank you for all of your hard work and support! Keep reading every night as a family for 20 minutes 🙂

Ms. Toor

Thursday Nov 5 – Outdoor Classroom Day

Hello Division 11 families!

On Thursday November 5 our classroom will be participating in Outdoor Classroom Day. My classroom has participated in this for the past two years and it is an exciting event that occurs all around the world. Please ensure your child is prepared to spend most the day outside rain or shine. We will be having a fun filled day incorporating outdoor learning into our curricular topics. Looking forward to a fun day outdoors!








Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Pumpkin Activity

Good afternoon families of Division 11!

Today your children went to our schools pumpkin patch. We started an activity in the classroom and need your help to finish it, as we cannot carve the pumpkins at the school. In your child’s planner there is an activity sheet for their pumpkin. We have completed the top part of the activity and what they need is your help carving and hollowing out the pumpkin. They have estimated how many seeds are in a pumpkin and are going to count their seeds to see if they are close to their estimation.

This is an optional activity of course since it is taking place outside of school. If you would like to complete the activity on the bottom of the sheet is a place you can write it down.

Here is also a copy of the sheet if you would like to compare other family members pumpkins.

Here is the link to the story as well that helped us with our activity!

Thank you for your help and if you need the weekend to complete this activity that is more than okay too 🙂

Ms. Toor

Pro-D-Day October 23

Good morning families of Division 11!

Tomorrow October 23rd is a Pro-D-Day! The reminder will also be written in your child’s planner. There will be no school tomorrow for students.

Enjoy your long weekend and see everyone on Monday,

Ms. Toor

Picture Day, Library Update and Halloween Notice

Good afternoon Division 11 families!

Here are some updates!

Picture Day

Picture Day is tomorrow. We will be getting our individual photos taken in the morning (YES, they will be taken before we head outdoors for Outdoor Classroom! YAY)!


Students had their first library session with our school librarian, Ms. Ho, today. Library will be every second Tuesday. A reminder will be in the planner the day before Library each second week. The books taken home today can come back earlier but our next check out day will be on November 3.

Halloween Notice

The school’s Halloween notice is in your child’s planner pocket. Please keep in mind although our class is having a party in the afternoon (Oct. 30) to celebrate (short film, centres and themed games) we will not be having any shared treats during this time. An individual treat for your own child is more than okay to bring for our celebration.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor